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发布时间:2018-03-12 11:19

  本文选题:恒大都市广场 切入点:视觉识别系统(VI) 出处:《东北师范大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid economic development of our country, the living conditions of Chinese residents have been obviously improved, among which the real estate industry has experienced from disorder to order. With the introduction of the national macro-control policy on the real estate industry in recent years, the stage of rapid development of the real estate industry has passed, and the competition is constantly escalating. When people are faced with a large number of complex real estate information, Fierce market competition has made real estate enterprises pay more and more attention to their brand image. Some excellent real estate enterprises have begun to pay attention to the establishment of a complete, systematic, comprehensive and scientific system. In the era of the flood of network information, if an enterprise wants to grow, develop and grow, the visual identification design of an enterprise is the strategic way and method that an enterprise must choose. A successful vision identification system (vii) can form a strong visual impact, help strengthen memory, set up a unique corporate image, can cultivate consumer loyalty, and boost the morale of employees at home. This paper takes the design of Changchun Hengda City Square as an example, first of all, based on the background of real estate development in China and the significance of enterprise vision recognition system (VI) design, this paper takes the design of Changchun Hengda City Square as an example. This paper probes into the function of visual identification system (vii) design of Hengda Metropolitan Square to establish the brand image of Hengda. The second part analyzes the development status of vision identification system of some famous real estate enterprises at home and abroad. This paper also discusses some deficiencies in the design of visual identification system for real estate enterprises in China. The third part expounds the positioning and analysis of vision recognition system of Changchun Hengda Metropolitan Square. Part 4th introduces the process of design, introduction and application of visual identification system (VI). Finally, we analyze and study the image of real estate enterprise scientifically and objectively through repeated demonstration and experiment. It is concluded that Vi) plays an important role in shaping the brand of real estate enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the design process of enterprise visual identification system of Hengda Metropolitan Square and combine the market research results. In view of the problems existing and appearing in the process of establishing the brand image, this paper puts forward the solution and design scheme to create the classic Evergrande real estate group image and push it to the market. At the same time, it also objectively analyzes the shortcomings of Evergrande Real Estate Group in the enterprise visual identification system (vii), grasps the pulse of the times, and conforms to the future development trend of the design of the real estate visual recognition system. To enable its Evergrande real estate group to get better and more long-term development.


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