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发布时间:2018-03-19 18:03

  本文选题:前期策划 切入点:项目定位 出处:《山东建筑大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,随着国家各项政策的出台以及土地供应的日趋紧张,房地产开发商之间的竞争也愈演愈烈。房地产项目的前期策划对房地产开发企业来说,其作用极为重要。策划工作做得成功在很大程度上决定着项目的成功。本文以泰安东岳天华项目为研究对象,进行项目前期策划有关研究。 本文首先分析了前期策划的概念及特点,之后对项目进行市场调查,锁定目标客户群,把握市场需求及动态变化。文章分析了东岳天华项目的优势、劣势,同时分析环境变化会给该项目带来的机会与威胁。然后根据市场调查的分析结果进行项目定位,通过项目规划与设计做出与项目定位相一致的产品。进行了项目的财务评价。通过财务评价、敏感性分析等选择了可行的投资方案。。 经过项目定位与规划设计过程,选择出了项目的户型方案。户型有459户。叠院户型有138户。其中,96平方米、95平方米、81平方米的户型各有46户。叠拼户型有180户。其中145平方米的90户,163平方米的90户。联排户型大约有141户。建筑风格方面,借鉴中国传统的建筑单体设计理念并结合现代建筑设计手法,力争做出不但满足现代人的生活需求,更能够满足人们精神需要的“新中式”住宅。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry is the pillar industry of our national economy. With the introduction of various national policies and the increasingly tight supply of land, Competition among real estate developers has also intensified. For real estate development enterprises, the early stage planning of real estate projects, The success of the planning work determines the success of the project to a great extent. This paper takes the Taian Dongyue Tianhua Project as the research object and carries out the related research on the early stage planning of the project. This paper first analyzes the concept and characteristics of early planning, and then carries on market research to the project, lock in the target customer group, grasp the market demand and dynamic change, and analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the Dongyue Tianhua project. At the same time, we analyze the opportunities and threats that environmental change will bring to the project. Then we locate the project based on the results of market research. Through the project planning and design to make products consistent with the project positioning. The financial evaluation of the project. Through the financial evaluation, sensitivity analysis and so on, the feasible investment plan is selected. After the project positioning and planning and design process, Has selected out the project the household type plan. The household type has 459 families. The overlapping courtyard family type has 138. Among them, 96 square meters of square meters, 95 square meters, 95 square meters, 81 square meters each has 46 households. The overlapping household type has 180 households. Among them 145 square meters 90 households have 163 square meters. 90 households. There are about 141 households in the joint arrangement. Architectural style, Drawing lessons from the traditional Chinese architectural monomer design concept and combining modern architectural design techniques, the author tries to make a "new Chinese style" residence which not only meets the needs of modern people, but also meets the spiritual needs of people.


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