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发布时间:2018-03-19 20:53

  本文选题:房地产法 切入点:房地产经纪 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:20世纪90年代以来,随着我国经济快速发展,人们对房地产需求不断增加,我国房地产市场呈现出供不应求的态势,房地产交易越来越频繁,交易形式愈来愈多样化,,流程也愈来愈复杂。在房产交易中,房屋出售者(或出租者)同房屋受让者(或承租者)双方往往只会披露对自己有利的信息,选择隐瞒对自己不利的信息,导致双方难以了解各自的信息。 在这一背景下,房地产经纪人行业应运而生。房地产经纪人拥有大量的市场信息,具备渊博的专业知识、法律知识,可以清晰地把握房地产市场脉搏,房地产经纪公司凭借其专业的知识,能够以较低的成本从海量的信息中搜寻、筛选出正确的信息,在很大程度上弥补了房地产交易的困难。 虽然房地产经纪业在很大程度上解决了房屋出售者(或出租者)同房屋受让者(或承租者)信息不对称的难题,但也导致了新的信息不对称问题,主要表现在房地产经纪公司同委托人之间的信息不对称、房地产经纪合同的信息不对称。中介是信息优势者,而房屋出租者、房屋承租人是信息劣势者,作为信息优势的中介机构凭借着信息优势,可能损害房屋出租者的利益。正是由于信息不对称的存在,导致房屋出让者(或出租者)同房屋受让者(或承租者)难以了解各自的信息。房屋受让人要完成房屋买卖交易,需要花费大量的人力、物力、财力对相关信息进行搜寻,产生高昂的搜寻成本。由此引发了房地产中介行业欺诈、违约等案件大量发生。 为解决房地产经纪业务中由于信息不对称所引起的市场失灵,我国初步建立了房地产经纪行业的法律规制体系,包括准入制度、资金监管制度、佣金管理制度和信息披露制度等。这些制度对规范房地产经纪行业的发展起到了积极作用,但也存在法律位阶不高,体系分散等方面的问题。 房地产经纪业法律制度的完善应从以下四个方面着手:提高房地产经纪公司的准入门槛和监管标准,完善房地产经纪业信息监管,加强对房地产经纪公司实施道德风险行为的惩罚力度,建立房地产经纪业保证金制度。
[Abstract]:Since 1990s, with China's rapid economic development, increasing demand for real estate, China's real estate market is showing a trend in short supply, real estate transactions have become increasingly frequent, the transaction form more and more diversified, the process will become more and more complicated. In the real estate transaction, the sale of housing (or rental) with the transferee (or the lessee) they will only disclose information to their advantage, choose to conceal adverse information on their own, leading to both sides to understand each other's information.
In this context, the industry of real estate brokers emerged. Real estate brokers have a large number of market information, have profound professional knowledge, legal knowledge, can clearly grasp the pulse of the real estate market, the real estate brokerage company by virtue of their professional knowledge, can lower the cost of the search from the mass information, screening the correct information, the real estate transaction difficulties up to a great extent.
Although the real estate brokerage industry to a large extent solve the housing sale (or rental housing) with the transferee (or the lessee) the problem of asymmetric information, but also leads to a new problem of asymmetric information, mainly in the real estate brokerage company with principal information asymmetry, information asymmetry in real estate brokerage contract the intermediary is an information advantage, and rental housing, housing tenant is inferior, intermediary organizations as information advantage with information superiority, may damage the interests of rental housing. It is because of the information asymmetry exists, resulting in the housing transfer (or rental housing (or transferee) the tenant) is difficult to understand their information. The assignee to complete the sale of housing transactions, the need to spend a lot of manpower, material resources, financial resources to search relevant information, generate high search costs caused. Real estate intermediary industry fraud, default and other cases have occurred.
In order to solve the real estate brokerage business because of information asymmetry caused by the failure of the market, our country has initially established a system of legal regulation of the real estate brokerage industry, including the access system, capital supervision system, commission management system and information disclosure system. These systems to standardize the development of the real estate brokerage industry has played a positive role, but there are also legal level is not high, dispersion and other aspects of the problem.
The legal system of the real estate brokerage industry should be improved in the following four aspects: to improve the access threshold of real estate brokerage companies and regulatory standards, improve the real estate brokerage information supervision, strengthening the punishment implementation of moral risk behavior of the real estate brokerage company, a real estate brokerage margin system.



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