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发布时间:2018-03-21 02:45

  本文选题:HD地产 切入点:精装房 出处:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:China's real estate market has undergone great changes compared with the past. In recent years, China's housing supply has basically bid farewell to the shortage. In many cities, Although our country has started to implement measures such as opening up policies and other measures to gradually encourage housing consumption, at the same time, our government has also bought stock of housing, but, in addition to first-tier cities, With the exception of hot cities and future cities, most of the other cities will still find it difficult to stimulate the emergence of massive investment in real estate. For real estate projects in China, Financing and inventory are still the number one enemy for real estate development enterprises to survive. It is not easy for China's real estate market as a whole to achieve the expected stability in 2015. Using the company's huge resource advantage, we can realize more than 290 projects in the hardcover room with a full house. In addition, HD Group and the leading enterprises in related industries at home and abroad will achieve strong and strong association with HD Real Estate Group to better serve the vast number of owners. Strengthen product after-sales service guarantee, set up maintenance team in time. Have won more than 100 national honor, The product has been a brand product with great reputation and popularity in China. HD real estate project has ten years of experience in developing and selling boutique rooms. The research on the quality control of HD group hardcover room project is discussed. And the management of the whole company is constructive. In order to find out the shortcomings, it is helpful to introduce advanced management experience from outside. It is helpful for other enterprises to use for reference in the field of quality control of hardcover house projects. Only through the collation of internal and external resources and the formation of a good control and management model, can the quality of HD group projects be improved. Then lead the development of real estate hardcover industry. This paper mainly takes HD real estate group as the case study object, carries on the research and the analysis to its hardcover house project quality control situation, takes the time as the axis, expounds its from nothing to exist, Set up the management system step by step, perfect the management mode, realize the process of quality control smoothly. At the same time, use the management knowledge learned to analyze the problems existing in the implementation of quality control in the group. Finally put forward a solution to the problem, to complete high-quality low-cost work, improve the quality of the project while improving the satisfaction of the HD project owners. Specifically, The first part is the introduction, expounding the reasons and research background of HD real estate group quality control, the research significance, the method and content of this paper. The second part is the related theoretical analysis of hardcover house project and quality control, through expounding the connotation and understanding of relevant theory, and expounding the development trend of real estate project management at home and abroad. In the third part, the author discusses the operation and quality control of HD real estate group, including the construction of talent team, management model, cost management, process management and so on. Part 4th, on the basis of the second part and the third part, the author analyzes in detail the main problems in the course of development and quality control of the HD group's hardcover room project, and finds out the root cause of its existence in order to improve continuously; The 5th part is to put forward some suggestions on the quality control of HD Group's hardcover house project, and to create a good project quality control environment for Changchun HD Group through accurate positioning. Through these countermeasures and suggestions, the aim is to improve the quality of housing products. Let the consumer rest assured, let the enterprise establish a good brand and image.


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