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发布时间:2018-03-21 03:42

  本文选题:商业地产 切入点:开发模式 出处:《沈阳大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,商业地产成为房地产行业投资的热点,一是地方政府看到政绩与税收的双重收益,二是地产企业看到低价圈地的发展商机,但是商业地产是一个高利润、高风险的行业,大部分的开发商都是从住宅地产转型而来,因此缺少专业成熟的商业地产开发模式。 万达商业地产股份有限公司作为中国商业地产的龙头企业,成立于2002年9月,截止到2012年12月累计持有物业面积超过1300万平方米,,企业总资产超过2500亿元人民币,已成为亚洲第一、全球第二的不动产企业。本文之所以对万达商业地产的开发模式进行研究分析,主要原因就是万达在激烈的市场竞争中形成了“订制+组合”的商业地产开发模式,以此模式实现了万达城市综合体的快速复制。所谓订制开发,是指万达公司在项目选址规划之前就与主力商家签订战略合作协议,双方在建店要求、业态组合、设计标准等诸多环节进行技术对接。所谓组合开发,是指万达公司对商业地产项目进行多种商业形态的组合开发。“订制+组合”开发模式客观地解决了产业链和资金链的最优组合和良性循环,使万达商业地产项目借助世界500强商业巨头的品牌效应提升了项目增值空间,带动周边土地价格升高;同时加快可销售物业的出售速度,提升整个商业地产项目的开发效率,使万达商业地产项目在全国范围迅速推广,成为家喻户晓的商业地产知名品牌。 本文希望通过对万达商业地产开发模式的分析与评价,提升商业地产开发项目运作效率并且增强项目运营竞争优势,并在一定程度上为我国“十二五规划”城镇化进程的健康发展提供借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:In recent years, commercial real estate has become a hot real estate investment industry, is a local government revenue performance and see the double taxation, two real estate companies see the development opportunities of low-cost property, but commercial real estate is a high profit, high risk industry, most of the developers are from residential real estate and transformation, so the lack of professional and mature mode of commercial real estate development.
Wanda Commercial real estate Limited by Share Ltd as Chinese commercial real estate enterprises, founded in September 2002, by the end of December 2012 the cumulative property holding area of over 13 million square meters, the total assets of the enterprise more than 250 billion yuan, has become the first in Asia, the world's second real estate companies. The reason for Wanda Commercial real estate development model research and analysis, the main reason Wanda is formed a "custom + combination" mode of commercial real estate development in the fierce market competition, in order to achieve a rapid replication mode of Wanda city complex. The so-called custom development, refers to Wanda company in the project site before the main business planning and signed a strategic cooperation agreement, the two sides in the construction industry combination and technical requirements docking design standards and many other aspects. The combination of development, refers to Wanda company of commercial real estate projects for more than The development of the business combination form. "Order + combination" development pattern objectively solve the optimal combination and virtuous cycle of industrial chain and capital chain, the Wanda Commercial real estate projects to upgrade the project value-added space with the brand effect the world's top 500 commercial giants, the surrounding land prices increased; while speeding up the sale of the property can be sold speed and improve the development efficiency of the commercial real estate project, the Wanda Commercial real estate projects quickly spread across the country, become known to every family commercial real estate brands.
This paper hopes to improve the operation efficiency of commercial real estate development projects and enhance the competitive advantage of project operation by analyzing and evaluating Wanda Commercial real estate development mode, and to some extent, it can provide a reference for the healthy development of China's "12th Five-Year plan" urbanization process.



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