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发布时间:2018-03-28 02:25

  本文选题:军产房 切入点:房地产 出处:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Military property is not strictly a legal concept. With the rise of the real estate market, people are gradually familiar. Military houses have long been in a state of lack of legal supervision, leading to the transfer of military houses. The replacement can be used for personal gain in the process. Wang Shouye, the former deputy commander of the Navy, and Gu Junshan, deputy director of the General Logistics Department, all held the post of head of the infrastructure department of the General Logistics Department. Wang Shouye was in charge of the transformation of barracks throughout the army, and colluded secretly with contractors, who were in charge of building houses and bribing Wang Shouye. He also used the subsidy policy of the army housing reform to embezzle the housing funds. Gu Junshan gained huge benefits in the process of expropriation and replacement of military land. Why can Gu Junshan approve these unreasonable and illegal projects? It goes without saying that the huge benefits brought about by the loopholes in the system. The reason why the ownership of military houses is unclear is that the land and many real estate occupied by the troops were allocated to the army for use by the local governments without compensation during the planned economy period. There is no even a basic written contract. Therefore, the ownership of the contract has always been controversial and requires a coordinated ruling between the military and the local authorities. With the imbalance between supply and demand in the real estate market, housing prices continue to rise. The enthusiasm of all military units to use military land for real estate management is also high. Military property houses circulating in the market are being sold at cheap prices. The practice of rent-seeking by senior military cadres using real estate has been rampant. In 2013, in response to the Gu Junshan case, the Central military Commission decided to conduct a large-scale military house census and clean-up in the entire army. Commonly known as "two popular work," to find out the basic situation of the existing military labor room, to establish and improve the housing infrastructure database and infrastructure project ranking. Through sound information technology means, improve the system of laws and regulations, Gradually realize the visible control of the resources of the military delivery rooms, the scientific standard of the management of the infrastructure barracks. The focus of the census is to monitor the rental and transfer of real estate, strictly control the construction of military stadiums and buildings, and clean up the unreasonable housing of cadres. This article holds that the general survey and cleaning up work is not the solution to the root cause, and should be dealt with both at the root and the root of the problem. In the light of the many negative facts existing in the military maternity room, the article distinguishes the type of the military delivery room. Perfecting the supervision system. The military legislation and the localities exposed by the military delivery rooms cannot be linked up with each other. How to ensure the housing problems of the military personnel and standardize the management of the military maternity houses? how to solve the long-standing shortage of the military law supply? This paper systematically combs the problem of military maternity room, analyzes the system loophole and legal risk of military delivery room, and draws lessons from the experience of foreign countries to solve the problem.


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