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发布时间:2018-03-28 07:09

  本文选题:企业战略转型 切入点:房地产企业 出处:《兰州理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为一个开发周期相对较长,需求资金高度密集的产业,房地产行业投资需要的资金量巨大,决定房地产开发企业发展状况的关键性问题通常是资金实力。从2010年至今,国家相继出台了多轮针对房地产行业的严厉调控政策,特别是2011年各地的限购令和大量保障性住房的开工建设,致使国内商业住宅呈现量价齐跌态势,商业地产市场出现疲软,进而导致企业资金链紧张。 在此背景下,房地产企业的发展面临非常严峻的形势。作为在严峻的宏观环境与激烈竞争的市场环境下的房地产企业,要想获得持久稳定的发展,仅仅依靠传统的经营模式已经很难让企业拥有较大的发展空间。如何在现有环境下以前瞻性的目光,抓住机遇,实现企业战略层次上的优化转型,对于房地产企业来说显得尤为重要。基于此,,本文致力于结合全球和中国房地产行业发展过程研究,对兰州YT公司目前所处的发展阶段,进行详实的背景分析。并且通过PEST模型、SWOT模型,结合YT的企业经营、制约因素、文化发展等问题进行分析,主要研究YT在转型过程中遇到的多元化管理、资金、风险控制等多方面因素所产生的问题,同时从YT所处行业环境与自身特点考虑,设计一套行之有效的战略转型方案,并评估其合理性,同时解决YT在现阶段市场趋紧的情况下,如何合理有效得进行主营业务的战略转型,使转型后的主营业务具有可操作性以及可持续性,使之能够更好的长远发展下去。对兰州YT公司转型后的经营发展提供一定借鉴作用,同时也为其他具有类似行业背景企业的战略转型提供相应参考。
[Abstract]:As a relatively long development cycle, high demand of capital intensive industry, the amount of capital investment in the real estate industry needs huge, key issues to the development of the real estate development enterprises are usually financial strength. Since 2010, the state has issued several rounds in the real estate industry strict control policy, especially around 2011 the purchase order and a large number of affordable housing construction, resulting in domestic commercial housing showing volume and price down trend, the commercial real estate market appears weak, resulting in enterprise capital chain tension.
Under this background, the development of real estate enterprises facing a very serious situation. As in the macro environment of serious and intense competition in the market environment of the real estate business, in order to develop lasting stability, only rely on the traditional business model has been difficult to make the enterprise have larger development space. How to seize the opportunity in the current under the environment of forward-looking vision, to realize the optimization of enterprise strategy, the level of transformation, it is particularly important for real estate enterprises. Based on this, this paper focuses on the combination of global and China real estate industry development process research, the development stage of Lanzhou YT company at present, detailed analysis of the background and through the PEST. Model, SWOT model, combined with the YT business, restricting factors, cultural development and so on, diversified management, main research YT encountered in the transformation process of the capital, risk control Produced by other factors, at the same time from the YT of the industry environment and their own characteristics, design a set of effective strategic transformation scheme, and evaluate its rationality, at the same time to solve the YT in the present market tightening, how to effectively get the main business transformation strategy, the transformation of the main business has operability and sustainability, so as to better long-term development. Provide some reference to the Lanzhou YT company after the transformation of business development, but also provide reference for other similar industry background enterprise strategic transformation.



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