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发布时间:2018-03-28 22:19

  本文选题:辽宁 切入点:蒙古 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:席卷全球的经济危机给世界经济造成了巨大破坏,损失由虚拟经济滋蔓到实体经济,给各国家的经济发展造成了不同程度的影响。一些国家为了重振经济,,对外国资本的限制予以放宽,这给我省企业对外直接投资带来了前所未有的机遇,促使辽宁企业更加积极的实施“走出去”战略,在新形势下对人才、技术、市场等资源的重新组合和配置中积极争取有利地位,迈向更广大的全球市场,培养本土的跨国公司,继而促进辽宁省的对外开放程度更上一层楼。 与辽宁相近的蒙古自进行经济改革后,经济发展开始逐步恢复,凭借丰富的自然资源这张王牌,通过优惠的招商引资条件,获得广泛的外资和先进的技术等,近年来经济发展呈现较快增长态势,市场化程度较高。2011年,蒙古国更是获得了17.3%的增长速度,全球排名第二,2012年GDP增长12.3%,世界排名第三,其崛起速度令全球瞩目。通过分析和评价不难令人发现,蒙古国的投资环境较好,经济发展有很大的发展潜力。 辽宁省对蒙古进行直接投资,有其必然性。首先,辽宁的工业化、城镇化发展对资源的需求缺口很大,外部依存度很高,面临非洲的动荡政局和与辽宁的空间距离,投资蒙古可以在资源上形成互补,这是对辽宁企业在面对资源短缺、成本上升、贸易摩擦情况下为保持持续发展所作出的必然选择;其次,从地理、政治、经济、文化方面考虑,与蒙古保持稳定的、良好的合作关系是国家战略部署的重要一步;第三,政策上,又有国家批准的《东北振兴“十二五“规划》和联合国开发计划署计划进行的一项名为“大图们江协作区发展规划”,这一切都说明了蒙古国与辽宁已经成为一个共同体,相辅相成,密不可分,将来合作发展潜力巨大。 本文主要采用文献资料分析方法、SWOT分析、历史分析法、定性分析法和定量分析法,首先,分析论文提出的背景、目的、意义、研究方法、国内外研究现状、创新点及难点、理论基础。然后,以辽宁为出发点,蒙古国为目标点,深入分析两个市场的特点及资源状况。第三,主要从四个方面重点针对辽宁对蒙古直接投资潜力进行实证分析。从投资规模潜力方面来说,利用时间序列模型预测到2016年将突破1000万美元;从投资产业潜力方面来说,在矿产资源成品加工、房地产产业、等6个产业发展前景广阔;从投资主体潜力方面来说,要提高中小企业投资层次、加强国有企业对蒙投资质量;投资方式潜力方面来说,从寻求资源型何寻求市场型两个角度分别阐述,并要加强战略联盟。最后,通过从政府和企业两个角度对推动辽宁对蒙古直接投资潜力的发挥提出对策建议。
[Abstract]:The global economic crisis has caused tremendous damage to the world economy. The losses from the virtual economy to the real economy have affected the economic development of various countries to varying degrees. The relaxation of restrictions on foreign capital has brought unprecedented opportunities for the foreign direct investment of enterprises in our province, prompting Liaoning enterprises to implement the "going out" strategy more actively, and in the new situation to the talents and technologies, In the recombination and allocation of market and other resources, we should actively strive for a favorable position, move towards a broader global market, train local multinational companies, and then promote Liaoning Province's opening to the outside world to a higher level. Mongolia, which is close to Liaoning Province, began to gradually resume its economic development after carrying out economic reform. With the trump card of rich natural resources, it obtained extensive foreign investment and advanced technology through preferential conditions for attracting investment. In recent years, economic development has shown relatively rapid growth, and the degree of marketization is relatively high. In 2011, Mongolia gained a growth rate of 17.3%, ranking the second in the world, and GDP growth in 2012 was 12.3%, third in the world. Through analysis and evaluation, it is not difficult to find that Mongolia has a good investment environment and great potential for economic development. Liaoning Province's direct investment in Mongolia has its inevitability. First, Liaoning's industrialization and urbanization have a very large gap in demand for resources and a high degree of external dependence. It faces the turbulent political situation in Africa and the space distance between Liaoning and Liaoning. Investment in Mongolia can complement each other in resources. This is an inevitable choice for Liaoning enterprises to maintain sustainable development in the face of shortage of resources, rising costs, and trade frictions.Secondly, in terms of geography, politics, and economy, With regard to culture, maintaining a stable and good cooperative relationship with Mongolia is an important step in the strategic deployment of the country; third, in terms of policy, The "12th Five-Year Plan for the Revitalization of the Northeast China" approved by the State and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) plan for the development of the Great Tumen River Cooperation area show that Mongolia and Liaoning have become a community. Complementary, inseparable, the future development of cooperation has great potential. This paper mainly adopts the literature analysis method: SWOT analysis, historical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Firstly, it analyzes the background, purpose, significance, research methods, current research situation, innovation points and difficulties of the paper. Theoretical basis. Then, taking Liaoning as the starting point and Mongolia as the target point, the characteristics and resource situation of the two markets are analyzed in depth. Third, This paper mainly focuses on the empirical analysis of Liaoning's direct investment potential in Mongolia from four aspects. In terms of investment scale potential, the use of time series model predicts that it will exceed 10 million US dollars by 2016, and from the perspective of investment industry potential, In terms of the potential of investment bodies, it is necessary to raise the investment level of small and medium-sized enterprises and strengthen the investment quality of state-owned enterprises in Mongolia, and in terms of the potential of investment methods, there is broad prospects for the development of six industries, such as the processing of finished products of mineral resources, the real estate industry, and so on. From the two angles of seeking resources and seeking market, and strengthening the strategic alliance, finally, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward to promote Liaoning's direct investment potential in Mongolia from the angle of government and enterprise.


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