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发布时间:2018-03-29 06:15

  本文选题:信赖利益 切入点:房产增值 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房产对于国人来说意义非凡,既是生活的根基,也是投资、获利、保值的重要途径。自从2005年以来,经济快速发展,房地产市场日益繁荣,房价一路飙升,房屋成倍增值。房产利益关系每一个家庭,然而房屋买卖合同中出现的种种问题困扰着司法实务,也迷惑着普通大众。其中争议最大的无疑是房产增值部分,在买卖合同无效时,房产增值部分如何处理,关系着各方的切身利益,也影响着社会的稳定大局。学界和司法界关于房产增值部分的定性讨论颇多,但尚未形成统一看法。文章拟通过对学界主流观点的比较分析,探索房产增值部分属于信赖利益这一观点的合理性,兼顾对有过失的受害方的损失求偿权的限制问题展开讨论,并进一步探讨赔偿请求权法理基础,分析“过失相抵”原则的合理性。 文章在撰写过程中,主要参考了辽宁省高级人民法院的买受人金彪诉出卖人绥中第三运输公司买卖合同纠纷的案例,由此案例总结出文章的争议焦点,对房产增值的信赖利益属性问题和买受人的赔偿请求权的限制问题展开讨论。文章在研究过程中主要采用了以下几种研究方法:概念分析法,对所涉及概念确定其内涵和外延,明确其所指;历史比较法,对所涉及的制度,追本溯源,不仅明确其发展历程和制度产生,而且明确其所以然;文献研究法,通过调查国内外文献,了解缔约过失制度的历史及在各国的发展现状,发掘对我国的法律规定和司法实践的借鉴意义。 通过以上分析,文章得出结论,即房产增值部分的属性应定性为信赖利益损失中的间接损失,对于该部分损失的赔偿限度应以不超过履行利益为限。受损害方的过失不应当致使其损害求偿权丧失。文章通过比较分析侵权行为说、法律行为说、法律直接规定说、诚实信用原则说等各种学说的缺陷,确定诚实信用原则是信赖利益的法理基础。 文章通过比较过失相抵原则、减损原则、损益相抵原则,论述信赖利益赔偿请求权是否适用过错原则,探究能合理认定赔偿范围的原则。最后,,针对目前实际现状,从明确赔偿范围、引入“过失相抵”原则两方面提出完善建议。
[Abstract]:Real estate means a lot to the people of China. It is not only the foundation of life, but also the important way to invest, profit and preserve value. Since 2005, the economy has grown rapidly, the real estate market has been booming, and house prices have soared. Houses multiply in value. Real estate interests concern every family. However, the problems that arise in housing sales contracts are puzzling the judicial practice as well as the general public. The most controversial of these issues is undoubtedly the property appreciation part. When the contract of sale and purchase is invalid, how to deal with the value-added part of the real estate is related to the vital interests of all parties and also affects the overall situation of social stability. There is a lot of qualitative discussion about the value-added part of the real estate in the academic and judicial circles. However, a unified view has not yet been formed. This paper intends to explore the rationality of the view that the property appreciation part belongs to the interest of trust through the comparative analysis of the mainstream views of the academic circle, and to discuss the limitation of the loss claim of the negligent injured party. And further probe into the legal basis of the right of claim for compensation, and analyze the rationality of the principle of "fault offset". In the course of writing, the article mainly refers to the case of Jin Biao, a buyer of Liaoning Provincial higher people's Court, who sued the seller Suizhong third Transportation Company for the sale and purchase contract dispute. The case summarizes the dispute focus of the article. This paper discusses the property of trust interest and the limitation of buyer's claim for compensation. In the course of the research, this paper mainly adopts the following research methods: the concept analysis method, the definition and extension of the concept involved, The historical comparative law, tracing back to the source of the system involved, not only makes clear the course of its development and the origin of the system, but also the reasons for it; the literature research method, through the investigation of the domestic and foreign literature, To understand the history of the system of fault in contracting and its development in various countries, to explore the legal provisions and judicial practice in China for reference. Based on the above analysis, the paper draws a conclusion that the property of the value-added part of the property should be characterized as the indirect loss in the loss of trust interests. The limit of compensation for this part of the loss should be limited to not exceeding the performing benefit. The fault of the injured party should not result in the loss of its right to compensation for damage. The principle of good faith is the legal basis of trust interest. By comparing the principle of fault offset, the principle of derogation, the principle of profit and loss offset, this paper discusses whether the principle of fault is applicable to the right to claim compensation for trust interests, and probes into the principle that can reasonably determine the scope of compensation. Finally, in view of the actual situation at present, From the clear compensation scope, the introduction of the principle of "fault offset" two aspects to improve the proposal.


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2 钱玉林;缔约过失责任与诚信原则的适用[J];法律科学.西北政法学院学报;1999年04期

3 潘冬根;;我国缔约过失责任的立法现状及完善对策[J];法制与经济(下旬);2010年04期

4 宋策;;对缔约过失责任基本问题的探讨[J];法制与社会;2010年26期

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6 周辉;;论缔约过失责任——论缔约过失对我国合同法的借鉴[J];商场现代化;2010年22期

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2 赵建伟;合同赔偿责任制度研究[D];郑州大学;2002年

3 杨路明;缔约过失责任制度研究[D];湖南师范大学;2003年

4 许飞鹏;违约责任归责原则研究[D];中国政法大学;2004年

5 周耀伟;信赖利益赔偿之研究[D];西南政法大学;2004年

6 刘珂;缔约过失责任法律制度研究[D];郑州大学;2004年

7 吴钦亮;缔约过失责任研究[D];西南政法大学;2005年

8 罗沛文;请求权类型化研究[D];郑州大学;2005年

9 苏栋太;缔约过失责任的赔偿范围研究[D];郑州大学;2006年

10 杜洪东;合同法上的信赖利益及其赔偿研究[D];山东大学;2006年




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