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发布时间:2018-03-30 12:00

  本文选题:房地产企业 切入点:服务质量 出处:《武汉理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着服务经济时代的到来,以顾客满意为宗旨、以服务质量为核心的观念已经逐步确立,房地产行业作为国民经济的支柱性产业,在满足人们住房需求和推动经济发展中起到了重要的作用。房地产价值大、周期长等特征决定了消费者购买行为的复杂性,然而随着买方市场的逐渐形成,消费者购房决策日趋理性,对房地产企业的要求也不断提高。房地产企业只有在经营过程中不断提高服务质量,提升顾客满意度,才能在激烈的市场环境中得以生存与发展。 本研究针对房地产企业,参考借鉴国内外服务质量和顾客满意度的研究文献,对服务质量的概念及测量方法、顾客满意度的概念及测评模型、服务质量与顾客满意度的关系研究进行了阐述。结合房地产行业及房地产企业的相关特点,在文献探讨的前提下,围绕着在房地产的购买、交易及交付使用等各个过程,对房地产服务质量进行了界定,将其细分为有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性、移情性,并构建了房地产企业服务质量与顾客满意度的关系研究模型,提出本次研究的相关假设。根据本研究的概念模型及假设,进行问卷设计,通过问卷调查的方式收集数据,利用数据统计工具进行信度、效度分析,因子分析,相关分析,路径分析及回归分析,对研究模型进行验证。 利用SPSS及AmosV17.0软件对回收的数据进行统计分析,得出以下结论:房地产企业服务质量正向影响顾客满意度,房地产服务质量五个维度(有形性、可靠性、响应性、保证性、移情性)与顾客满意度均呈正相关关系,其中,可靠性、响应性和保证性与顾客满意是强正相关关系,路径系数分别达到0.95、0.96、0.89,移情性对服务质量的影响属中度效果,有形性与顾客满意是弱相关。房地产企业顾客满意度与服务质量各维度之间的标准回归方程为:满意程度=-0.178+0.422*保证性+0.253*响应性+0.326*可靠性,结果也显示服务质量五维度能较好程度的解释顾客满意度,影响效果显著。 依据本次研究的结论,笔者针对房地产企业如何提升其服务质量从而提高房地产企业顾客满意度提出了五点管理对策,具有一定的指导意义。本文运用理论与实证相结合的方法对房地产企业服务质量和顾客满意度进行了研究,具有一定的理论意义和实践意义,为房地产企业改善服务质量,提高顾客满意提供了新的思路。
[Abstract]:With the arrival of the era of service economy, the concept of customer satisfaction as the purpose and service quality as the core has been gradually established. The real estate industry as the pillar industry of the national economy, It plays an important role in satisfying people's housing demand and promoting economic development. The characteristics of large real estate value and long period determine the complexity of consumer purchase behavior. However, with the gradual formation of buyer's market, The decision of consumer purchase is becoming more rational and the demand for real estate enterprises is also increasing. Only by improving service quality and customer satisfaction in the course of management can real estate enterprises survive and develop in the fierce market environment. This study aims at real estate enterprises, referring to the domestic and foreign research literature on service quality and customer satisfaction, the concept and measurement method of service quality, the concept of customer satisfaction and the evaluation model. The relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction is discussed. According to the relevant characteristics of real estate industry and real estate enterprises, and on the premise of literature discussion, it revolves around the process of purchase, transaction and delivery of real estate. This paper defines the service quality of real estate, divides it into tangible, reliability, response, assurance and empathy, and constructs a research model of the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction in real estate enterprises. According to the conceptual model and hypothesis of this study, the questionnaire is designed, the data is collected by questionnaire, and the reliability, validity, factor analysis, correlation analysis are carried out by using the data statistical tools. Path analysis and regression analysis to verify the research model. Based on the statistical analysis of the recovered data by SPSS and AmosV17.0, the following conclusions are drawn: the service quality of real estate enterprises positively affects customer satisfaction, and the five dimensions of real estate service quality (tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, etc.). Empathy) was positively correlated with customer satisfaction, among which reliability, responsiveness and assurance were strongly positively correlated with customer satisfaction, and path coefficients were 0.950.96 or 0.89, respectively. The effect of empathy on service quality was moderate. The standard regression equation between customer satisfaction and service quality in real estate enterprises is: satisfaction degree 0.178 0.422 * assurance 0.253 * responsiveness 0.326 * reliability. The results also show that the five dimensions of service quality can explain customer satisfaction to a better extent, and the effect is significant. According to the conclusion of this study, the author puts forward five management countermeasures on how to improve the service quality of real estate enterprises so as to improve the customer satisfaction of real estate enterprises. This paper studies the service quality and customer satisfaction of real estate enterprises by using the method of combination of theory and demonstration, which has certain theoretical and practical significance, and improves the service quality for real estate enterprises. Improving customer satisfaction provides a new way of thinking.


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