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发布时间:2018-04-02 02:33

  本文选题:物业管理 切入点:智能化 出处:《西南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:物业管理始于19世纪60年代的英国,其产生的背景则是工业大发展,由于大量农民进城租房,为了维护他们的权利,需要一套有效的管理办法,于是诞生了专业的物业管理。随着我国社会经济和房地产市场的快速发展,物业管理已经逐渐成为房地产经营管理的重要组成部分。 本文首先对物业管理、智能化物业管理的概念进行了界定,然后对美国、韩国以及国内的物业智能化管理实践状况进行了概括和总结。 本文对我国一线城市住宅小区传统物业管理的现状及所面临的问题进行了分析,得出了传统物业管理所面临的物业管理企业经费不足、专业人员缺乏、客户对物业管理认识有偏差这三大问题,并针对这三大问题提出了加强宣传力度树立物业形象、规模化经营专业化管理、加强物业公司资质管理、开展多种经营这四个解决方案。 作为对上述理论研究的进一步深入探讨,本文从智能化管理的形式,智能化管理的需求以及智能化管理的发展趋势等多方面对物业管理的智能化进行了系统的分析并总结了目前住宅小区智能化所面临的问题。 为了解决这一问题,本文最后针对智能化管理所面临的挑战提出了4大解决途径。第-具体项目具体调研;第二、对预期成本及收益进行测算,第三、建立智能设备维修管理制度;第四、建立专业人才梯队。
[Abstract]:Property management began in 1860s in the UK, the background is the major industrial development, due to the large number of migrant farmers housing, in order to safeguard their rights, needs a set of effective management measures, so the birth of professional property management. With the rapid development of China's social economy and the real estate market, the property management has gradually become an important part of real estate management.
This paper first defines the concept of property management and intelligent property management, then summarizes and summarizes the practice status of intelligent management in the US, Korea and China.
In this paper, the status quo of China's traditional residential property management first-tier cities and problems faced are analyzed, the traditional property management faced by the property management companies lack of funds, lack of professional staff, customers have the deviation are the three major issues of property management, and aiming at the three problems are put forward to strengthen the propaganda set the image of the property, scale management of professional management, strengthen the qualification management of property companies, to carry out a variety of operations of the four solutions.
As a further discussion on the above theoretical study, this article from the intelligent management, intelligent management requirements and intelligent management of the development trend of many aspects of intelligent property management are systematically analyzed and summarized the current residential intelligent problems.
In order to solve this problem, this paper finally puts forward 4 solutions for intelligent management challenges. The specific project specific research; second, estimates of expected cost and profit of third, the establishment of maintenance management system of intelligent equipment; fourth, the establishment of professional echelon.



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