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发布时间:2018-04-04 05:49

  本文选题:安联地产 切入点:融资渠道 出处:《河北大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,我国房地产金融发展迅猛,但和发达的国家相比,房地产金融市场还不够完善,房地产金融产品很少,主要依赖于银行贷款,房地产融资相对困难。导致房地产投资的市场风险和融资信用风险高度集中于商业银行。在目前市场背景下,房地产企业融资模式应走多元化的道路,拓宽融资渠道,由原来的单纯依靠银行贷款,向以银行贷款为主,创新融资为辅,间接融资和直接融资相结合的方向发展,从而确保资金链安全、提高资金使用的灵活性。 安联地产2002年成立至今,在生存与发展过程中,融资渠道从较单一的商业信用(预收房款、应付帐款)、银行商业贷款,渐渐开始尝试委托贷款、信托基金发行等方式。在企业未来五年发展战略过程中,资金渠道的通畅问题成为企业发展的瓶颈。特别是2010年-2013年,国家为了有效抑制房地产市场房价过快上涨的势头,确保民众的住房需求,,相继出现了限贷、限购、限价、提高存款、贷款利率,中央加大投入保障性住房建设等措施相继出台。在这系列调控措施打压下,开发商资金回笼也面临困境。如何有效筹集资金,保证安联地产未来五年发展战略的顺利实施,对安联地产来说,已是刻不容缓的事情。本文就是针对安联地产现有融资渠道及方式进行分析,比较各自的特点,为安联地产寻找更加合适的融资渠道组合,为企业的战略发展提供资金支持。其中,第1章绪论阐述选题研究背景、意义及研究现状。第2章主要综述安联地产发展现状及未来五年发展规划。第3章主要分析安联地产目前主要融资渠道,通过案例进行阐述、分析。研究安联地产目前融资工作中存在的问题。第4章主要结合安联地产未来五年发展战略及当前融资的问题,提出安联地产融资管理建议及未来融资新方式尝试设想。最后由安联地产融资问题引申到作为同类型房地产企业在开展融资工作过程中应注意的三个方面:提高企业的盈利能力、现金管理能力、紧盯政策开展多元化融资方式。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate finance of our country develops rapidly, but compared with the developed countries, the real estate financial market is not perfect enough, the real estate financial products are few, mainly depend on the bank loan, the real estate financing is relatively difficult.The market risk and financing credit risk of real estate investment are highly concentrated in commercial banks.Under the current market background, the financing mode of real estate enterprises should take a diversified path, broaden the financing channels, from the original purely relying on bank loans, to bank loans, supplemented by innovative financing.The combination of indirect financing and direct financing can ensure the security of the financial chain and improve the flexibility of the use of funds.Allianz real estate was founded in 2002, in the process of survival and development, financing channels from a single commercial credit (prepaid, accounts payable, bank commercial loans, gradually began to try to entrust loans, trust fund issuance and so on.In the process of enterprise development strategy in the next five years, the problem of unobstructed capital channel becomes the bottleneck of enterprise development.In particular, from 2010 to 2013, in order to effectively curb the rapid rise of housing prices in the real estate market and ensure the housing demand of the public, the state has successively restricted loans, restricted purchases, restricted prices, raised deposit and loan interest rates.The central government increased investment in affordable housing construction and other measures have been introduced.In this series of regulatory measures under the pressure, developers are also facing the plight of the return of funds.How to raise funds effectively to ensure the smooth implementation of Allianz real estate development strategy in the next five years is an urgent matter for Allianz real estate.This article is to analyze the existing financing channels and methods of Allianz real estate, compare their characteristics, find a more suitable financing channel combination for Allianz real estate, and provide financial support for the strategic development of the enterprise.Among them, the first chapter describes the background, significance and research status.Chapter 2 summarizes the current situation of Allianz real estate development and the development plan for the next five years.Chapter 3 mainly analyzes the main financing channels of Allianz Real Estate.Research Allianz real estate financing work in the current problems.The fourth chapter mainly combines Allianz real estate development strategy in the next five years and the current financing problems, puts forward Allianz real estate financing management proposals and future financing new ways to try to conceive.In the end, the problem of Allianz real estate financing is extended to three aspects that should be paid attention to in the process of financing for the same type of real estate enterprises: to improve the profitability of the enterprises, to manage the cash, and to focus on the policy to carry out diversified financing methods.


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1 王艳华;;新形势下房地产企业融资方式探讨[J];财经界(学术版);2011年06期

2 杨中宣;崔宗举;;房地产企业融资问题研究[J];商业时代;2007年28期

3 刘丽巍;贺铟璇;;我国房地产企业融资的问题与对策[J];沿海企业与科技;2010年08期

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1 岳宗玉;中小房地产开发企业融资方式选择研究[D];山东建筑大学;2011年




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