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发布时间:2018-04-10 11:32

  本文选题:太原市 + 保障性住房 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:保障性住房建设是完善住房供应体系,促进房地产市场健康发展的一个重要内容;也是改善民生,建设小康社会的一项重要举措。近年来,我国不断调整住房保障政策,加大保障性住房建设力度,取得了显著的成绩。但是在建设规模和空间分布上仍存在问题,使得保障性住房的利用效率大打折扣,造成住房资源的浪费。因此,,有必要对保障性住房的建设规模和空间布局进行研究,探索一种合理的、高效的保障性住房建设和布局的途径。 本文的研究内容为太原市保障性住房的建设规模和空间分布情况,以时间为序列划分阶段,从保障性住房类型、套数、建筑面积、地理位置、区位条件等多个方面对太原市保障性住房建设的情况进行了较全面的论述,并在此基础上提出了今后太原市保障性住房建设的合理化建议。 在研究过程中主要采用文献研究法和调查研究法,适当采用定性和定量分析方法。通过大量浏览文献构建文章的理论框架,通过数据的搜集整理总体把握太原市保障性住房建设情况,通过对数据资料的深入分析得出相关结论。 本文创新的采用了城市住宅用地分等定级理论,结合太原市住宅用地分等定级图对太原市保障性住房建设规模和空间分布进行研究,通过研究得出结论:太原市保障性住房建设经历了起步、发展、调整的三个阶段,其建设规模和空间布局在不同阶段都表现出不同的特点,目前太原市保障性住房建设正朝着一个合理的方向发展,配建模式的实施和城市改造的推进有利于促进混居模式的形成。
[Abstract]:The construction of affordable housing is an important content to perfect the housing supply system and promote the healthy development of the real estate market. It is also an important measure to improve the people's livelihood and build a well-off society.In recent years, our country adjusts the housing security policy unceasingly, strengthens the indemnificatory housing construction dynamics, has obtained the remarkable achievement.However, there are still some problems in the construction scale and spatial distribution, which make the utilization efficiency of the affordable housing greatly reduced, resulting in the waste of housing resources.Therefore, it is necessary to study the construction scale and spatial layout of the indemnificatory housing, and explore a reasonable and efficient approach to the construction and layout of the indemnificatory housing.The research content of this paper is the construction scale and spatial distribution of the affordable housing in Taiyuan city, with time as the sequential division stage, from the type of affordable housing, the number of suites, the building area, the geographical location,This paper discusses the construction of affordable housing in Taiyuan from several aspects, such as location conditions, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions for the construction of supportable housing in Taiyuan in the future.In the course of research, the methods of literature research and investigation are adopted, and the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis are adopted appropriately.Through a large number of literature to build the theoretical framework of the article, through the collection and collation of data to master the overall situation of affordable housing construction in Taiyuan, through in-depth analysis of the data to draw relevant conclusions.This paper innovatively adopts the theory of urban residential land gradation, and studies the scale and spatial distribution of affordable housing construction in Taiyuan, combining with Taiyuan residential land gradation map.It is concluded that the construction of affordable housing in Taiyuan has experienced three stages: starting, developing and adjusting, and its construction scale and spatial layout all show different characteristics in different stages.At present, the construction of affordable housing in Taiyuan is developing in a reasonable direction. The implementation of construction mode and the promotion of urban transformation are conducive to promoting the formation of mixed housing model.


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