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发布时间:2018-04-13 16:26

  本文选题:消费观念 + 从众心理 ; 参考:《内蒙古师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:“住”,自古就在中国人的心目中占据了很重要的位置。我国经济体制经历了从计划经济向市场经济的转变,住宅也从“有”其屋向“优”其屋发展。房地产事业的迅猛发展,让住宅的类型趋于多样化,人们对住宅的要求也越来越高。消费水平与消费观念的变化催生了人们对更高精神品质的追求。住宅的设计要能够彰显主人的个性,然而因循守旧、互相抄袭的现象却在一定程度上限制了住宅个性化设计的发展。 本论文首先从精神需求对个性化住宅设计的影响出发,介绍了消费观念的变化提升了人更多的精神需求,以及不同的审美趣味对住宅设计的作用。从这两点来分析影响住宅设计个性化的因素;并论述了制约个性化设计发展的原因;其次,通过对以上内容的研究,试图从大众心理,室内设计师的因素以及住宅空间的结构特点出发,找到解决问题的方法与途径;最后,阐述了怎样打造符合业主身份与性格特点的多样性与个性化的住宅空间。 住宅的个性化设计是住宅设计发展的必然趋势,在“以人为本”的设计前提下,人们认为“设计住宅就是设计生活”。在住宅设计中,创新意识是必不可少的。创新是设计的灵魂。住宅设计没有个性化,就是缺少创新意识。室内设计师的导向作用还是非常重要的。本文只是从作者本人的角度阐述了,当前制约住宅个性化设计的因素,并对这些因素进行了归纳与总结,不是批判性论文。对于一些观点的提出,通过实例来进行佐证,从中发现问题,希望对今后的室内设计产生一点影响并能够有所帮助。
[Abstract]:"living" has occupied a very important position in the minds of the Chinese since ancient times.China's economic system has undergone a transition from a planned economy to a market economy, and housing has also developed from "having" its houses to "superior" ones.With the rapid development of real estate, the types of housing tend to be diversified.The change of consumption level and consumption concept gave birth to people's pursuit of higher spiritual quality.The design of housing should be able to show the personality of the owner, but the phenomenon of plagiarism to some extent limits the development of individualized design.This paper starts from the influence of the spiritual demand on the individualized residential design, introduces the change of the consumption concept and the function of different aesthetic taste to the residential design.From these two points, it analyzes the factors that affect the individuation of residential design, and discusses the reasons that restrict the development of individualized design. Secondly, through the research of the above contents, it tries to analyze the public psychology.Based on the factors of interior designer and the structural characteristics of residential space, the author finds out the ways and means to solve the problem. Finally, it expounds how to build the diverse and individualized residential space that accords with the identity and personality of the owner.The individualized design of housing is the inevitable trend of the development of residential design. Under the premise of "people-oriented" design, people think that "designing residence is designing life".In the housing design, the innovation consciousness is essential.Innovation is the soul of design.The house design does not have the individuality, is lacks the innovation consciousness.The guiding role of interior designers is still very important.This article only from the author's point of view, the current constraints of residential personalized design factors, and these factors are summarized and summarized, not critical papers.For some points of view, through examples to support the discovery of problems, hoping to have a little impact on the future interior design and can be helpful.


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