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发布时间:2018-04-14 19:05

  本文选题:南京 + 1927-1937 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:本文在广泛搜罗资料的基础上,试图对1927-1937年南京城市物理空间的形成过程展开研究,在尽力复原这十年间南京城市空间改造与拓展范围的基础上,探讨和分析城市空间形成过程中包括中央机关、地方政府、私人业主和房地产投资者在内的各类群体的角色作用、面临的现实问题以及群体之间的利益纷争和矛盾冲突,并为今天城市的发展提供一些有益的启示。 1927-1937年南京城市空间的形成虽然是由几个密不可分、同时进行的环节构成,但为了方便叙述起见,本文将这几个环节分拆成不同章节。首先,简要回顾了明代以来南京城市的发展脉络与空间演变的基本情况,为后续研究提供基础;其次,考虑到道路系统在城市空间形成过程中的基础性作用,阐述这十年间南京道路的改造与开辟情况,重点突出理论与现实之间的差异,并展示路网的演化过程;再次,在移民城市背景下,欲进行土地开发者首先必须获取一定数量的土地,阐述这十年间南京土地产权转的方式和内容,并利用相对完整的土地征收和土地买卖资料,初步复原其空间分布情形,并就产权转移中的一些问题作出分析;最后,阐述获取土地后的土地开发活动,围绕着土地开发的总体情况,土地开发的管控与规范措施及其效果、影响和限制土地开发利用的相关因素以及城市空间结构的变动情形等几个具体问题展开。
[Abstract]:Based on the extensive search of data, this paper attempts to study the formation process of Nanjing urban physical space from 1927 to 1937, and on the basis of trying to restore the scope of Nanjing urban space transformation and expansion during this decade.This paper discusses and analyzes the role of various groups, including central authorities, local governments, private owners and real estate investors, the realistic problems they face, and the conflicts of interests and conflicts among groups in the process of forming urban space.And for the development of today's city to provide some useful inspiration.Although the formation of Nanjing urban space in 1927-1937 was made up of several inseparable and simultaneous links, for the sake of convenient narration, this paper divides these links into different chapters.Firstly, it briefly reviews the development context and spatial evolution of Nanjing city since the Ming Dynasty, which provides the basis for further research. Secondly, considering the basic role of road system in the formation of urban space,This paper expounds the reconstruction and opening of Nanjing road in the past ten years, emphasizes the difference between theory and reality, and shows the evolution process of road network. Thirdly, in the context of immigrant cities,In order to carry out land developers, they must first acquire a certain amount of land, explain the way and content of land property rights transfer in Nanjing during the past decade, and make use of the relatively complete data of land expropriation and land purchase and sale to preliminarily restore their spatial distribution.Finally, the paper expounds the land development activities after the acquisition of land, around the overall situation of land development, the control and regulation measures of land development and its effect.Some specific problems such as influencing and restricting land exploitation and utilization and the change of urban spatial structure are discussed.


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