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发布时间:2018-04-17 15:54

  本文选题:定购单 + 溢价利益 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Commercial housing purchase dispute has been an important content of theoretical research and judicial practice.In the sample case, the plaintiff Liu and a property company of the defendant have a great disagreement on whether the contract relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant is formed for the purchase and sale of commercial housing, whether the date of the formal signing and the date of signing the purchase order are the same day and what kind of liability the defendant bears.First of all, the purchase order is an appointment contract, but when it has the necessary terms to establish the contract, and the seller accepts the condition of the purchase, the purchase order is regarded as the contract of purchase and sale of commercial housing.Secondly, when there are more than two different interpretations of the form clause, it is considered to be unfavorable to the provider of the format clause, so the formal contract date advocated by a home purchase company and the purchase order signing date cannot be considered as the same date.Furthermore, the premium interest arising from the increase in the prices of the shops involved is the benefit of performance, which should be compensated by the defaulting party, and on the basis that the defendant is the real estate developer,It should be assumed that it can foresee the upward trend of the price of the shops involved when entering into a contract of sale, therefore, the defendant should compensate for the premium interest.Finally, in the sample case, the defendant's breach behavior accords with the general constitutive requirements of punitive damages in the field of tort, and also accords with the dominant subject of breach of contract in the field of punitive damages, and the moral irregularity of breach of contract.The general characteristics of the non-closed nature of the damage consequences. Article 8 of the Supreme people's Court on the interpretation of certain legal issues applicable to the trial of disputes over the sale and purchase of commercial housing also stipulates that after a developer has signed a contract for the purchase and sale of commercial housing with the buyer,The sale of the underlying house to others should bear the liability of less than twice the amount paid, so a home purchase company should be liable for punitive damages.


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