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发布时间:2018-04-24 03:02

  本文选题:住房负担能力 + 房价收入比 ; 参考:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:住房作为一个特殊的消费品,不仅关系到千家万户的安居乐业,还关系到整个国家的和谐繁荣。住房市场作为房地产市场的重要组成部分,不仅关系到房地产业的健康有序发展,还关系到整个国民经济的可持续运行。本文通过对我国城镇居民的住房负担能力进行分析研究,探讨住房的可负担性,找出住房市场上存在的问题,为政府解决目前房价过高、居民住房负担大的问题提供政策建议,具有十分深刻的学术意义和现实意义。 本文采用文献综述法、比较分析法、定量与定性相结合法、规范分析与实证分析相结合法等学术研究方法对我国城镇居民的住房负担能力作出了科学、客观的分析。本文首先分析了我国城镇住房的供求和价格,一方面有利于简单了解住房市场的发展现状,另一方面,有利于探讨住房的供求因素与价格形成之间的关系。接着比较分析了衡量住房负担能力的两种主要方法:比率法和剩余收入法,阐述了两者各自的优缺点和互补性,决定两种方法都采用增加分析的系统性和全面性。其中选取了比率法中的房价收入比法和住房负担能力指数对我国35个主要大中城市的居民住房负担能力做出了实证分析,分析表明我国城镇居民住房负担能力的整体水平很弱,居民住房负担能力有明显的区域差异;选取剩余收入法把我国城镇居民按收入等级分成七类进行分析,并且考虑了不同的住房标准,分析表明不同收入等级的家庭之间住房负担能力的差别较大,虽然除了最低收入家庭外,其余收入等级家庭的住房负担能力情况越来越好,但是离理想水平还有一定的差距,且我国的住房消费结构根据收入水平的高低表现出来一定的梯度性。最后,根据上文的分析结果,有针对性的提出了一些政策建议,包括增强住房供给、完善住房市场、规范金融制度和促进理性消费四个方面。
[Abstract]:As a special consumer goods, housing is not only related to the peace and contentment of thousands of families, but also to the harmony and prosperity of the whole country. As an important part of the real estate market, the housing market is not only related to the healthy and orderly development of the real estate industry, but also related to the sustainable operation of the whole national economy. Through the analysis and study of the housing affordability of urban residents in China, this paper discusses the affordability of housing, finds out the problems existing in the housing market, and provides policy suggestions for the government to solve the problem that the housing price is too high and the housing burden is heavy for the residents. Has the very profound academic significance and the realistic significance. This paper uses the methods of literature review, comparative analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, normative analysis and empirical analysis to make a scientific and objective analysis of the housing affordability of urban residents in China. This paper first analyzes the supply and demand and price of housing in cities and towns in China. On the one hand, it is helpful to understand the present situation of housing market, on the other hand, it is helpful to discuss the relationship between supply and demand of housing and the formation of price. Then it compares and analyzes two main methods of measuring housing affordability: ratio method and surplus income method, expounds their respective advantages and disadvantages and complementarities, and decides that both methods adopt the systematic and comprehensive analysis of increase. The paper selects the ratio of house price to income and the housing affordability index in the ratio method to make an empirical analysis on the housing affordability of the residents in 35 major cities in China. The analysis shows that the overall level of housing affordability of urban residents in China is very weak. There are obvious regional differences in the housing affordability of the residents, and the residual income method is chosen to divide the urban residents into seven categories according to their income levels, and different housing standards are taken into account. The analysis shows that there are great differences in housing affordability among families with different income levels. Although the housing affordability of other income families is getting better and better, there is still a certain gap from the ideal level. And our country's housing consumption structure shows a certain gradient according to the income level. Finally, according to the above analysis results, some policy suggestions are put forward, including strengthening housing supply, perfecting housing market, standardizing financial system and promoting rational consumption.


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