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发布时间:2018-04-27 00:26

  本文选题:住房保障 + 保障体系 ; 参考:《长安大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:当前,保障房建设是目前我国国民经济和人民生活中一件大事,是最受社会关注的焦点之一。住房保障主要是解决中低收入群体住房困难的,同时,还承担着房地产调控、拉动内需、社会财富再分配、维护社会稳定等政府职能和社会职责。 加快和做好这件事情的意义非常重大,在扩大内需、结构调整、社会分配、民生改善和社会保障等方面,在推动社会和谐,建设幸福中国,实现中国梦,都将产生十分重要的深远影响。然而我国的住房保障建设前后不到20年,大规模实施建设才始于2008年,至今不过5年时间。住房保障可以说才刚刚起步,无论保障形式、制度建设、公平分配、动态调整、运营管理等方面,远没有达到完善的地步。 近两年,虽然在中央政府的极大推动和监督下,住房保障建设全面加速,但是在住房保障实施过程中,,由于存在资金不足,组织机构和制度不完善,准入和退出机制不健全等诸多问题,依然制约着我国保障房建设健康快速发展。 该文从保障房的概念、特点、分类以及运行机制入手,对西安保障房建设现状以及实施过程中存在的问题进行了分析,在此基础上借鉴国内外建设保障房的经验和模式,提出了一些加快保障房建设的建议及对策,供决策及相关管理部门参考,以期加快西安保障房建设健康发展。 笔者认为,西安加快保障房建设,必须扩大房源筹集渠道,完善制度建设,创新发展模式,强化使用管理,早日实现“住有所居”目标;必须尽快出台加快保障房建设的地方性法规条例和实施细则,真正将保障性住房建设纳入法制化轨道;吸引社会力量投资建设保障房,拓宽保障性住房建设投融资渠道;要进一步改进和完善保障体系,动态科学管理保障房供应体系,加大保障性住房政府回购力度,经济适用房逐渐变售为租,大力发展公共租赁型住房和限价商品房,扩大保障性住房建设规模,实现保障性住房的无缝隙覆盖,要在土地供应上同步城市发展规划,科学选址,完善配套设施,加大保障房建设力度,加快保障房有效供给,让保障房真正体现城市幸福感,实现社会和谐目标。
[Abstract]:At present, indemnificatory apartment construction is a major event in our national economy and people's life. Housing security is mainly to solve the housing difficulties of middle and low income groups, at the same time, it also undertakes government functions and social responsibilities such as real estate regulation, stimulating domestic demand, redistribution of social wealth, maintenance of social stability and other government functions. It is of great significance to speed up and do a good job of this matter. In terms of expanding domestic demand, restructuring, social distribution, improving people's livelihood and social security, promoting social harmony, building a happy China, and realizing Chinese Dream, Will have a very important and far-reaching impact. However, before and after 20 years of housing security construction, large-scale construction began in 2008, but only five years. Housing security can be said to have just started, regardless of the form of security, system construction, fair distribution, dynamic adjustment, operation management and other aspects, far from being perfect. In the past two years, although the construction of housing security has been fully accelerated under the great push and supervision of the central government, in the process of implementing housing security, due to the lack of funds, the organization and the system are not perfect. Many problems, such as imperfect access and exit mechanism, still restrict the healthy and rapid development of indemnificatory apartment construction in China. Starting with indemnificatory apartment's concept, characteristics, classification and operation mechanism, this paper analyzes the present situation and problems in the process of implementation of Xi'an indemnificatory apartment, and draws lessons from the experience and mode of the construction of indemnificatory apartment at home and abroad. This paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures to speed up indemnificatory apartment's construction for reference of decision making and related management departments in order to speed up the healthy development of Xi'an indemnificatory apartment construction. The author thinks that in order to speed up the construction of indemnificatory apartment in Xi'an, it is necessary to expand the channels of raising housing resources, perfect the system construction, innovate the development mode, strengthen the use and management, and realize the goal of "living and living as soon as possible". It is necessary to introduce local regulations and rules to speed up indemnificatory apartment's construction, bring the construction of affordable housing into the legal track, attract social forces to invest in the construction of indemnificatory apartment, and broaden the channels of investment and financing for the construction of affordable housing. It is necessary to further improve and improve the security system, dynamically and scientifically manage indemnificatory apartment's supply system, increase the strength of government repurchase of affordable housing, gradually change the sale of comfortable housing to rent, and vigorously develop public rental housing and price-limited commercial housing. To expand the scale of affordable housing construction and to realize the seamless coverage of affordable housing, it is necessary to synchronize the urban development planning, scientific location selection, perfect supporting facilities, increase indemnificatory apartment's construction efforts, and speed up the effective supply of indemnificatory apartment in land supply. Let indemnificatory apartment truly reflect the well-being of the city, to achieve the goal of social harmony.


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