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发布时间:2018-04-27 03:00

  本文选题:住宅项目 + 可行性研究 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着房地产发展速度的加快,产生的经济、社会与环境效益增多,,对国民经济的推进作用也增大,因此,房地产业在国民经济中所占的分量也越来越大。房地产行业的竞争也愈加激烈,因此,如何在激烈竞争中取得胜利,是房地产商较关心的话题,如何降低和控制成本、降低风险,提升竞争力,将成为房地产企业运营与项目管理的重点和难点。 本文结合东莞市某住宅项目进行了可行性研究:首先,分析了全国及东莞市的房地产市场情况,具体对该住宅项目的基本概况,确立了该项目的市场定位,为项目的投入、成本及收益提供了基础数据。 其次,在确定项目规划设计依据、原则和目标的基础上,对该项目的总体、节能、节材、节地和节水五个方面的规划进行了分析,来保证项目的规划及各方面的节约要求;对项目安全、成本、质量和工期四个方面的工程特性分析,发现其工程重点是在保证质量下实现工期的顺利进行,主要风险有技术风险、设备风险、自然风险等。 第三,在项目财务预算和效益估算的基础上,并计算得出项目静态建设投资约为5.5亿,需要动态资金余额8.7亿,项目的净现值为3800万,投资静态回收期为2.49年,项目内部收益率为21.19%,可知项目的盈利能力、偿债能力、生存能力都是很好的;并在分析项目存在风险的基础上给出了控制措施;从社会、环境的角度来分析项目所能产生的效益,发现对小区居民生活质量及东莞城市化进程有较大影响;最后对项目的决策或实施提出优化建议,具体有合理利用国家政策、把握不利因素、及时化解风险等。 通过本文理论与实际结合的研究,希望不仅为该住宅项目的开发建设提供保障,更为东莞市房地产企业的科学决策、房地产行业更具有市场竞争力、更健康快速的发展提供理论依据。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of real estate, the economic, social and environmental benefits have increased, and the role of promoting the national economy has also increased. Therefore, the real estate industry in the national economy has become more and more important. The competition in the real estate industry is becoming increasingly fierce. Therefore, how to win in the fierce competition is a topic of concern to real estate developers, how to reduce and control costs, reduce risks, and enhance competitiveness. Will become the real estate enterprise operation and the project management the focal point and the difficulty. In this paper, the feasibility of a residential project in Dongguan City is studied. Firstly, the paper analyzes the real estate market situation of the whole country and Dongguan City, concretely introduces the basic situation of the housing project, establishes the market orientation of the project, and provides the input for the project. Costs and benefits provide basic data. Secondly, on the basis of determining the basis, principles and objectives of the project planning and design, this paper analyzes the overall planning of the project, energy saving, material saving, land saving and water saving, in order to ensure the planning of the project and the requirements of saving in all aspects; Based on the analysis of project safety, cost, quality and time limit, it is found that the key point of the project is to carry out the construction period smoothly under the guarantee of quality. The main risks are technical risk, equipment risk, natural risk and so on. Thirdly, on the basis of the project financial budget and benefit estimation, it is calculated that the static construction investment of the project is about 550 million, the dynamic fund balance is 870 million, the net present value of the project is 38 million, and the static payback period of the investment is 2.49 years. The internal rate of return of the project is 21.19, which shows that the profitability, solvency and survivability of the project are all very good; and on the basis of analyzing the risk of the project, the control measures are given. Analyzing the benefits of the project from the angle of environment, it is found that it has a great influence on the quality of life of residents and the process of urbanization in Dongguan. Finally, some suggestions are put forward to optimize the decision or implementation of the project, and the rational use of national policies is specific. Grasp the unfavorable factors, timely defuse the risks and so on. Through the research of the combination of theory and practice in this paper, we hope not only to provide the guarantee for the development and construction of the housing project, but also to make scientific decisions for the real estate enterprises in Dongguan City, and the real estate industry will be more competitive in the market. More healthy and rapid development provides the theoretical basis.


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