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发布时间:2018-04-27 06:38

  本文选题:商业地产 + 市场定位 ; 参考:《昆明理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产经济是中国经济的重要组成部分,但随着国家对房地产市场的调控,一些地产商纷纷进驻商业地产。但随着商业地产的迅猛发展,也随之出现了大量问题,如同质化现象严重、经营情况差等,这些问题不仅造成项目操盘的失败,更重要的会造成社会资源的大量浪费,所以商业地产的定位尤其重要。 本文从国内外商业地产市场定位相关理论的基础上,结合当地商业地产发展现状和发展趋势,对企业及X商业项目的营销环境进行分析,采用定量分析、定性分析相结合的方法,制定了系统的商业项目市场定位的策略及方法。 本文提出,对商业地产项目进行市场定位,首先要了解当地商业市场的发展现状及发展趋势,并对企业及项目的市场营销环境尤其是项目所在的商圈及竞争对手进行分析。在充分市场调研的基础上对市场进行细分,结合企业战略及项目特点,选择差异化竞争市场,从而对商业项目进行客户定位、经营定位、产品定位、价格定位等市场定位。 本文提出了系统化定位程序及方法,为商业地产项目定位及运作提供了一定的参考。
[Abstract]:The real estate economy is an important part of China's economy, but with the regulation of the real estate market, some real estate developers have moved into commercial real estate. However, with the rapid development of commercial real estate, a large number of problems have appeared, such as serious homogenization phenomenon, poor management situation, which not only caused the failure of project operation, but also caused a large amount of waste of social resources. So commercial real estate positioning is particularly important. Based on the domestic and foreign commercial real estate market positioning theory, combined with the local commercial real estate development status and development trends, this paper analyzes the marketing environment of enterprises and X commercial projects, and adopts quantitative analysis. Combining qualitative analysis, the strategy and method of market positioning of commercial project are established. This paper puts forward that the market orientation of commercial real estate projects should first understand the current situation and development trend of local commercial market, and analyze the marketing environment of enterprises and projects, especially the commercial circles and competitors where the projects are located. On the basis of full market research, the market is segmented, combined with the enterprise strategy and project characteristics, the differentiated competitive market is chosen, thus the market positioning of the commercial project is carried out, such as customer orientation, management positioning, product positioning, price positioning and so on. This paper presents a systematic positioning procedure and method, which provides a certain reference for the positioning and operation of commercial real estate projects.


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