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发布时间:2018-05-07 09:19

  本文选题:房地产 + 投资风险 ; 参考:《大连海事大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产投资开发是将资本投入房地产开发经营、中介服务、物业管理服务等经济活动中,以期在将来获得不确定收益的经济行为。房地产投资由于投资额巨大、投资期长、政策的限定性、社会和市场环境条件变化的不确定性等因素,在为投资开发者提供高收益可能的同时,也蕴含着相应的高风险。于是,降低房地产投资风险是决定房地产投资成败的关键之一,如何通过严谨的投资决策分析,选择适当的投资机会,最大程度地降低风险,投资开发决策便成为整个房地产开发流程中一个最重要的环节。 本文首先介绍了研究背景和研究意义、研究内容与研究框架陈述。其后,以房地产投资的定义为着手点,总结了房地产项目投资的特征,房地产项目风险的一般理论和房地产项目风险的特征等。 其次,本文在总结风险评估模型构建的基本原理的基础上,以星海商城项目为实例,对其决策阶段、实施阶段和经营管理阶段的风险进行了评估,并以此为依据,对该项目的综合风险进行了评估。 最后,本文提出了房地产投资风险规避的具体措施,以及房地产投资风险规避的保障措施。 本文的研究能够为房地产企业规避投资风险提供有益的借鉴。
[Abstract]:Real estate investment and development is an economic activity in which capital is invested in real estate development and operation, intermediary services, property management services, and so on, with a view to obtaining uncertain returns in the future. Because of the huge investment, long investment period, limited policy, uncertainty of social and market environmental conditions, and so on, real estate investment can provide investment developers with high returns, but also contains high risks. Therefore, reducing the risk of real estate investment is one of the keys to determine the success or failure of real estate investment. The investment development decision becomes the most important link in the whole real estate development process. This paper first introduces the research background and significance, research content and research framework statement. Then, taking the definition of real estate investment as the starting point, this paper summarizes the characteristics of real estate project investment, the general theory of real estate project risk and the characteristics of real estate project risk. Secondly, on the basis of summarizing the basic principles of risk assessment model, taking the Xinghai Mall Project as an example, this paper evaluates the risk of the decision-making, implementation and management stages of the project. The comprehensive risk of the project was assessed. Finally, the paper puts forward the concrete measures of real estate investment risk aversion and the guarantee measures of real estate investment risk aversion. The research in this paper can provide useful reference for real estate enterprises to avoid investment risk.


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