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发布时间:2018-05-08 01:17

  本文选题:房地产信托 + 立法 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着国家从各个方面对房地产业进行调控,我国房地产企业承受着越来越大的资金压力,并开始尝试通过不同的渠道来获得运营资金。在这个契机下,我国的房地产信托在这几年开始兴起并不断发展。房地产信托作为信托类型中的重要一种,可用各种灵活的模式,对企业进行投资及融资。作为国外常见的房地产金融产品,房地产信托具有高回报、高风险、高效率的特点,可成为房地产业与金融业合作的一个主要桥梁,在我国有非常广阔的发展前景。然而,目前我国法学界上对房地产信托领域的研究较少。在立法上,无论从房地产信托的受托人还是受益人方面,我国都缺少必要的法律规范。在实务上,不少制度在实际执行中存在着各种法律问题或不足。因此,针对我国房地产信托中的法律问题,应从各个角度进行深入地研究,以此促使我国房地产信托可持续性发展。 本文总共有六章。第一章绪论。该章简介了本文的选题背景、与本研究方向相关的文献综述以及主要研究方法。 第二章房地产信托的基本概念。该章主要介绍了房地产信托的含义、特点及类型。 第三章我国房地产信托立法方面的法律问题。该章主要探讨了受托人及受益人权利义务方面的法律问题,对受托人的自由裁量权和忠诚义务,以及受益人的撤消与调整权等方面进行了具体分析。此外,针对我国房地产信托立法中所存在的法律问题,笔者提出了制定我国《信托业法》的相关建议。 第四章我国房地产信托实务方面的法律问题。该章主要探讨了受托人(信托公司)及受益人在实务中存在的法律问题。对受托人(信托公司)的内部治理和项目尽职调查,以及受益人的监督权等方面进行了具体分析。另外,针对我国房地产信托实务中所存在的法律问题,,笔者提出了推进监管制度发展的相关建议。 第五章对我国未来房地产信托法律制度的展望。该章主要对REITs法律制度进行了介绍,并分析了我国REITs法律制度的现状及未来发展方向。 第六章结论与建议。该章主要对全文进行了总结并再次强调了一些建议。 笔者希望能够通过上述结构性的论述,实现解析我国房地产信托中的若干法律问题的意图。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the national regulation and control of the real estate industry from various aspects, the real estate enterprises in our country are under more and more financial pressure, and they have begun to try to obtain operating funds through different channels. In this opportunity, the real estate trust in China began to rise in recent years and continue to develop. As an important type of trust, real estate trust can be used to invest and finance enterprises in various flexible modes. As a common foreign real estate financial product, real estate trust has the characteristics of high return, high risk and high efficiency. It can become a main bridge between real estate and financial industry, and has a very broad development prospect in our country. However, there is little research on the field of real estate trust in Chinese legal circles at present. In legislation, our country lacks the necessary legal norm in terms of trustee or beneficiary of real estate trust. In practice, many systems in the actual implementation of various legal problems or deficiencies. Therefore, in order to promote the sustainable development of real estate trust in our country, the legal problems of real estate trust in our country should be studied in depth from various angles. There are six chapters in this paper. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter introduces the background of this paper, literature review and main research methods related to this research direction. The second chapter is the basic concept of real estate trust. This chapter mainly introduces the meaning, characteristics and types of real estate trust. The third chapter is about the legal problems in the legislation of real estate trust in our country. This chapter mainly discusses the legal issues of the rights and obligations of the trustee and the beneficiary, and analyzes the discretion and loyalty of the trustee, as well as the right of revocation and adjustment of the beneficiary. In addition, in view of the legal problems existing in the legislation of real estate trust in China, the author puts forward some relevant suggestions for formulating the Trust Industry Law of our country. The fourth chapter is about the legal problems of real estate trust in our country. This chapter mainly discusses the legal problems of trustee (trust company) and beneficiary in practice. The internal governance and project due diligence of the trustee (trust company) and the supervision power of the beneficiary are analyzed in detail. In addition, in view of the legal problems existing in the practice of real estate trust in our country, the author puts forward some suggestions to promote the development of supervision system. The fifth chapter looks forward to the future legal system of real estate trust in our country. This chapter mainly introduces the legal system of REITs, and analyzes the present situation and future development direction of the legal system of REITs in China. Chapter VI conclusions and recommendations. This chapter summarizes the full text and emphasizes some suggestions again. The author hopes to realize the intention of analyzing some legal problems of real estate trust in our country through the above structural discussion.


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