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发布时间:2018-05-13 18:34

  本文选题:微博信息 + 信息内容质量 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:微博是web2.0应用中的一大主流模式,其开放性、交互性、便捷性等特点受到众多用户的青睐,成为移动互联网时代最具发展潜力的应用之一。微博平台快速发展的同时,各种乱象丛生,信息质量问题严重,为其发展带来了困扰。由于“把关人”的缺失、信息的碎片化特征、用户水平良莠不齐,微博中充斥着种种乱象。庞大的用户群与实时传播功能造成了微博信息泛滥、谣言四起,信息发布的便捷与转发功能造成大量的信息冗余,信息发布中“把关人”角色的缺失使失真信息、琐碎信息和庸俗信息充斥着整个微博。同时,微博营销的快速发展引发了一系列不规范操作,甚至违法犯罪行为。根据CNNIC对用户使用微博中遇到的问题进行调查显示,目前微博承载的信息内容不能满足用户的质量需求,主要表现在信息量过大、有效价值不高且获取难等方面。微博信息内容质量问题已成为影响微博平台健康发展、网络信息资源有效利用的重要问题,微博信息资源质量治理迫在眉睫。目前国内外对于微博信息质量的研究,主要集中在信息质量评价、信息质量问题分析与对策两个方面。在信息质量评价方面,国外研究以实证分析为主,而国内则以构建评价指标体系为主;在信息质量问题分析研究中,国外侧重于利用信息技术解决具体的质量问题,而国内则更多地针对微博中某一领域信息分析问题并提出对策,具有较强的针对性。总之,这些研究多是围绕微博信息质量评价和质量问题分析与解决两个方面开展的,对于微博信息内容质量评价及其对用户利用的影响分析的研究则较少。微博信息内容质量评价及影响分析可以更准确把握影响用户利用微博信息的关键质量因素,从而有效提高微博信息内容质量及其利用率。本文基于这一思想,以新浪微博数据为样本进行实证研究,开展微博信息内容质量评价及质量对比分析,并深入分析微博信息质量对用户利用情况的影响,以挖掘影响微博信息利用率的关键质量要素,为控制与改进微博信息质量、提高微博信息利用率提供策略与建议。 论文的结构分为绪论和正文,共计8章内容。 第一章绪论部分,主要介绍选题背景与研究意义、国内外研究现状、本研究的内容、方法以及创新之处。 第二章是本论文的相关概念与理论基础,包括信息质量、信息评价和内容分析法3个方面的相关理论。根据信息质量基础理论界定微博信息质量的内涵与范畴,为信息内容质量评价及对比分析提供理论基础。信息评价理论为实现微博信息内容质量的量化评价提供了研究方法与工具,为系统开展微博信息内容质量评价提供了理论支持。内容分析法相关理论主要用于微博信息内容类型的归类与分析,这一过程需要将信息内容按照所设置的类型进行逐一归类。内容分析法为这一过程与具体操作提供了理论支持和过程指导。 第三章是构建微博信息内容质量评价的理论框架,并提出信息内容质量对微博利用影响的理论假设。即根据信息质量理论及微博信息的特点,设置基于微博信息内容的客观信息质量评价指标体系,并通过用户调研对指标权重进行赋值,构建微博信息质量评价模型,为量化评价微博信息内容质量提供理论基础。在此基础上,分析微博信息内容质量对微博利用的影响,并提出理论假设,为后文的实证研究建立理论基础。 第四章是对微博信息内容质量进行分析与评价,并总结不同领域用户微博信息内容的质量特征。以新浪微博为例,选取科技、公安、房地产和环保四个领域的部分微博用户,采集用户微博信息内容作为样本数据,并根据微博质量指标进行质量分析与评价,总结不同领域用户的微博信息质量特征。 第五章是采用独立样本T检验方法对不同领域的用户群体微博页面信息内容质量进行差异性分析,以对比不同用户群体的微博页面信息内容在质量描述指标上的差异,挖掘各用户群体的质量特征及其差异性。 第六章和第七章主要分析了微博信息内容质量对用户利用的影响。用户对微博信息的利用主要表现为微博转发与微博评论两个方面,体现了用户对微博信息的主观质量感知。第六章是以微博信息内容质量描述指标为自变量,以微博转发为因变量,通过实证研究分析信息内容质量对微博转发情况的影响。在内容组织上,根据微博用户所属的领域,从信息质量角度分别分析科技用户、房地产用户、公安用户和环保用户这四个用户群体微博中信息内容质量对微博转发情况的影响,以挖掘不同类型微博中的关键质量影响因素。第七章是根据样本数据中包含的科技用户、房地产用户、公安用户和环保用户四个群体的微博信息,分别对这四个领域用户微博页面中信息内容质量指标对微博评论的影响作用进行分析,以挖掘影响微博评论的关键质量要素。 第八章是对全文的研究进行总结与展望,包括研究结论与启示、研究不足与展望。 经过理论与实证分析,本文得到以下三个方面的结论: 第一,不同领域的用户群体在发布微博信息时体现出了不同的信息质量特征,说明用户所处的行业和领域对其微博页面信息内容质量具有显著的影响作用。 第二,在信息质量指标方面,用户群体之间的显著性差异较多的是信息类型和信息热度,其次是文本字数和超链接信息量,显著性差异较少的是信息真实性质量和信息编辑的专业性,说明微博用户所处的行业和领域特征对微博信息类型和信息热度影响较大,而对信息的互动性和编辑质量影响不大。 第三,影响微博转发的关键质量因素依次为文本信息量、信息内容类型和信息真实性质量,而超链接信息量、信息热度和信息编辑质量对微博转发未形成统一的、显著的影响作用。影响微博评论的关键质量因素依次为文本信息量、信息真实性质量和信息内容类型,与微博转发的质量影响因素基本一致,故微博信息内容质量中的文本信息量、信息内容类型和信息真实性质量是影响微博信息利用的关键质量要素。
[Abstract]:Micro-blog is a major mode in the Web2.0 application. Its openness, interactivity, convenience and other characteristics have been favored by many users. It has become one of the most potential applications in the era of mobile Internet. At the same time, the rapid development of the micro-blog platform, a variety of chaos, and serious information quality problems, has brought trouble for its development. The lack of people, the fragmented character of information, and the diversity of the user's level, the micro-blog is full of chaos. The huge user group and the real-time communication function have caused the flood of information of micro-blog. Four rumors have been made, and the convenience and forwarding function of the information release cause a lot of information redundancy, and the lack of the "gatekeeper" role in the information release makes the distortion letter Interest, trivial information and vulgar information flooded the whole micro-blog. At the same time, the rapid development of micro-blog marketing triggered a series of non standard operations, even illegal criminal behavior. According to the problems encountered by the users in micro-blog, the information contained by the CNNIC can not meet the user's quality requirements, mainly in the performance. The quality of information content of micro-blog has become an important problem that affects the healthy development of the micro-blog platform and the effective utilization of the network information resources. The quality control of the information resources of micro-blog is imminent. At present, the research on the quality of the information of the micro-blog is mainly focused on the evaluation of the information quality, There are two aspects of information quality analysis and countermeasures. In the aspect of information quality evaluation, foreign research is mainly based on empirical analysis, while domestic is mainly based on the construction of evaluation index system. In the analysis of information quality problems, foreign countries focus on the use of information technology to solve specific quality problems, while domestic are more targeted at one of the micro-blog leaders. The domain information analysis and the countermeasures are highly targeted. In a word, these studies are mostly carried out around the two aspects of micro-blog information quality evaluation and quality analysis and resolution. The research on the quality evaluation of micro-blog information content and its impact on the user utilization is less. The quality evaluation and influence of micro-blog information content Analysis can more accurately grasp the key quality factors that affect users' use of micro-blog information, so as to effectively improve the quality and utilization of micro-blog information content. Based on this idea, this paper takes Sina micro-blog data as a sample to carry out empirical research, carries out the quality evaluation and quality contrast analysis of micro-blog information content, and analyzes the quality of micro-blog information. In order to tap the key quality factors that affect the information utilization rate of micro-blog, we can provide strategies and suggestions for controlling and improving the information quality of micro-blog and improving the information utilization rate of micro-blog.
The structure of the thesis is divided into 8 parts: introduction and text.
The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly introduces the background and significance of the research, the research status at home and abroad, the contents, methods and innovations of this research.
The second chapter is the related concept and theoretical basis of this paper, including information quality, information evaluation and content analysis of the 3 aspects of the related theory. According to the information quality basic theory to define the content and category of the information quality of micro-blog, to provide a theoretical basis for the quality evaluation and comparative analysis of information content. Information evaluation theory for the realization of micro-blog letter The quantitative evaluation of the quality of interest content provides a research method and tool, which provides a theoretical support for the evaluation of micro-blog information content quality evaluation system. The related theory of content analysis method is mainly used for the classification and analysis of micro-blog information content types. This process needs to classify information content according to the types set. Content analysis This method provides theoretical support and process guidance for this process and concrete operation.
The third chapter is to construct the theoretical framework of the quality evaluation of micro-blog information content, and put forward the theoretical hypothesis of the influence of information content quality to the use of micro-blog. That is, according to the information quality theory and the characteristics of micro-blog information, the objective information quality evaluation index system based on the information content of the micro-blog is set up, and the index weight is assigned by the user investigation. The micro-blog information quality evaluation model is constructed to provide a theoretical basis for quantifying and evaluating the content quality of micro-blog information. On this basis, the influence of the content quality of micro-blog information on the micro-blog utilization is analyzed, and the theoretical hypothesis is put forward to establish the theoretical basis for the empirical research of the later literature.
The fourth chapter is to analyze and evaluate the quality of micro-blog information content, and summarize the quality characteristics of micro-blog information content in different fields. Take Sina micro-blog as an example, select some micro-blog users in the four fields of science and technology, public security, real estate and environmental protection, collect the user's micro-blog information internal capacity as sample data, and carry out according to the qualitative indicators of micro-blog. Quality analysis and evaluation summarize micro-blog's information quality characteristics of users in different fields.
The fifth chapter is the use of independent sample T test method to analyze the quality of micro-blog page information content of different user groups in different fields, in order to compare the difference between the content of micro-blog page information content of different user groups on the quality description index, and to excavate the quality characteristics and differences of each user group.
The sixth chapter and the seventh chapter mainly analyze the influence of the micro-blog information content quality to the user utilization. The user's use of micro-blog information is mainly shown in the two aspects of micro-blog forwarding and micro-blog review, which embodies the user's subjective quality perception of micro-blog information. The sixth chapter is based on the qualitative description index of micro-blog information as the independent variable, and turning to micro-blog. As a dependent variable, the effect of information content quality on micro-blog forwarding is analyzed through empirical research. In content organization, according to the domain of micro-blog users, from the perspective of information quality, the information content quality of the four users, such as science and technology users, real estate users, public security users and environmental users, is analyzed by the quality of information content of micro-blog. The seventh chapter is based on the micro-blog information of the scientific and technological users, the real estate users, the public security users and the four groups of environmental users in the sample data, and the influence of the content quality index of the CITIC content on the micro-blog pages in these four fields to the micro-blog reviews, respectively, is made in the seventh chapter. Conduct analysis to identify key quality factors that affect micro-blog reviews.
The eighth chapter is the summary and Prospect of the research, including research conclusions and enlightenment, research deficiencies and prospects.
After theoretical and empirical analysis, the following three conclusions can be drawn:
First, different user groups in different fields show different information quality characteristics when issuing micro-blog information, which shows that the industry and domain of users have a significant impact on the content quality of micro-blog page information.
Second, in the information quality index, the significant difference between the user groups is the information type and the information heat, followed by the text word number and the hyperlink information. The significant difference is the quality of information authenticity and the professionalism of the information editing, which explains the industry and domain characteristics of micro-blog users to the micro-blog information type. It has great influence on information intensity, but has little influence on information interaction and editing quality.
Third, the key quality factors affecting micro-blog forwarding are the volume of text information, the type of information content and the quality of information authenticity, and the amount of hyperlink information, the information heat and the quality of information editing have not formed a unified and significant influence on micro-blog forwarding. The key quality factors affecting the micro-blog review are the volume of text information in turn, and the information is true The real quality and information content type are basically the same as the quality influencing factors of micro-blog forwarding. Therefore, the quantity of text information, the type of information content and the quality of information authenticity in the content quality of micro-blog are the key quality factors that affect the use of micro-blog information.





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