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发布时间:2018-05-15 08:32

  本文选题:土地增值税 + 逃税 ; 参考:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper first analyzes the current situation of land value-added tax collection and management in our country, and reveals two reasons for the serious loss of land value-added tax. One is that real estate development projects have large capital investment, long operating cycle, wide scope and flexible management mode. The cost item is various, the specialization degree is high, the land value added tax collection difficulty is big, the second is the real estate enterprise under the interest drive, uses the tax preferential policy and the related party transaction tax evasion, the tax avoidance. Secondly, this paper collected and sorted out the real estate enterprises to evade the land appreciation, and discussed the regulation of tax evasion behavior in theory and practice. Finally, the paper analyzes the behavior of two controversial real estate enterprises to avoid the land value-added tax, one is whether the real estate enterprises use the cooperative housing policy to avoid tax in practice. The second is whether the transfer of land use right by real estate enterprises in the form of equity transfer is a tax avoidance act, and the conclusions are as follows: first, the tax preferential policy applied to cooperative housing construction is very strict in tax practice, and it is basically not applicable. The real estate enterprise tax avoidance space is small; second, the real estate enterprise uses the stock right to transfer the land use right behavior does not cause the land value-added tax loss, but transferred to the land transferee.


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