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发布时间:2018-05-21 19:40

  本文选题:西安地铁 + 住宅价格 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:地铁作为一种重要的交通工具,伴随着我国经济社会的高速发展,地铁已经成为我国各大城市缓解交通拥堵的重要方式,地铁的建设一方面缓解了城市交通压力,另一方面也对住宅价格产生了巨大的影响。为此,分析地铁对住宅价格产生的影响,可以为地铁建设和住宅开发的和谐发展提供重要依据。 西安作为我国西部最大城市,是我国房地产市场发展较热的城市之一,而且西安地铁建设正如火如荼,对住宅价格的影响也日益凸显,为此,文章选取西安地铁作为研究对象,在分析前人研究成果的基础上,结合相关基础研究理论,对西安地铁影响住宅价格进行了相关分析。首先,文章分析了住宅价格影响因素以及地铁的特点,根据相关基础理论,对地铁影响住宅价格的作用进行了定性分析。其次,鉴于住宅价格影响因素众多,为了保证分析的准确性,文章构建了影响住宅价格的因子体系,利用因子分析法确定出西安地铁对住宅价格的影响权重。最后,鉴于地铁是一种交通工具,对于住宅价格的影响主要是以改变交通条件而实现的,为此,文章利用交通成本模型,构建了西安地铁与住宅价格关系模型,选取西安地铁周边楼盘数据为样本,计算出住宅价格受地铁影响的部分,分析出西安地铁对住宅价格的影响半径为1500米,而且影响效果伴随着距离的增加先加强后减弱,在800米时达到最大;通过分析所得出的西安地铁与住宅价格关系式显示,,在选取的各变量中,汇集时间成本对住宅价格的影响效果最大,安全性的影响最小。 本文通过定性和定量两个方面分析了对西安地铁对住宅价格的影响,为政府部门优化城市布局、合理规划城市交通提供了新的参考,同时也为住宅开发商的投资、开发、运营以及消费者购买住宅提供了有力的参考依据。
[Abstract]:Subway as an important means of transportation, with the rapid development of our country's economy and society, subway has become an important way to alleviate traffic congestion in major cities of China. On the one hand, the construction of subway alleviates the pressure of urban traffic. On the other hand, it also has a huge impact on housing prices. Therefore, analyzing the influence of subway on housing price can provide an important basis for the harmonious development of subway construction and housing development. Xi'an, as the largest city in the west of China, is one of the hottest cities in the real estate market of our country, and the subway construction in Xi'an is in full swing, and the influence on the housing price is increasingly prominent. Therefore, this paper selects Xi'an subway as the research object. On the basis of analyzing the previous research results and combining the relevant basic research theory, this paper analyzes the influence of Xi'an subway on housing prices. First of all, the paper analyzes the influence factors of housing price and the characteristics of subway, according to the relevant basic theory, the effect of subway on housing price is analyzed qualitatively. Secondly, in view of the large number of factors affecting housing prices, in order to ensure the accuracy of the analysis, this paper constructs a factor system that affects housing prices, and determines the influence weight of Xi'an subway on housing prices by factor analysis. Finally, in view of the subway is a kind of means of transportation, the influence to the housing price is mainly realized by changing the traffic condition, therefore, the article uses the transportation cost model, constructs the Xi'an subway and the housing price relation model. Taking the data of the surrounding buildings of Xi'an subway as the sample, the paper calculates the part of the housing price affected by the subway, and analyzes that the influence radius of Xi'an subway on the housing price is 1500 meters, and the influence effect is strengthened first and then weakened with the increase of distance. Through the analysis of the relationship between Xi'an subway and housing price, it is shown that, among the variables selected, the effect of aggregate time cost on housing price is the greatest, and the effect of safety is the least. This paper analyzes the influence of Xi'an subway on housing price through qualitative and quantitative analysis, which provides a new reference for government departments to optimize urban layout and reasonable planning of urban transportation, and also provides a new reference for the investment and development of housing developers. The operation as well as the consumer buys the residence to provide the powerful reference basis.


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