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发布时间:2018-05-26 10:30

  本文选题:城市土地 + 集约利用 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:进入21世纪以来,我国城市在工业化和城市化进程的推进下规模不断扩张,面对人多地少,土地后备资源有限的基本国情,政府对土地集约利用不断加大重视。西安市作为西北的龙头城市,其城市土地集约利用水平如何?哪些途径可以提高其集约利用水平? 本文在借鉴国内外学者有关城市土地集约利用的研究成果的基础上,,系统分析影响城市土地集约利用的因素,并结合西安市的自然、社会、经济条件和土地利用现状,采用经验借鉴和专家咨询相结合的方法,选取评价指标,分别构建了西安市整体城市土地集约利用评价指标体系以及各区县城市土地集约利用评价指标体系。然后采用多因素综合评价法从时间上对西安市2000年至2011年的城市土地集约利用水平进行了评价,评价时确定指标权重应用了德尔菲法和熵值法相结合的方法;同时采用因子分析法,从空间上对西安市各区县城市土地集约利用水平进行了评价。整体评价结果显示,西安市城市土地集约利用水平从2000年至2011年不断提高,大致分为波动阶段、快速提高阶段和稳定阶段,其中土地投入水平和土地产出水平均持续上升,土地利用强度和土地发展潜力有所下降,同时综合得分反映出西安市与发达城市相比还有一定差距,需要继续提高;各区县评价结果显示碑林区土地集约利用水平最高,莲湖区、新城区、雁塔区次之,其他区域土地集约利用水平偏低。最后根据评价结果分析,提出了依托房地产开的城市土地集约利用提高途径,构建了房地产开发土地集约利用评价指标体系;同时,结合经济环境和社会制度等,给出可行的政策建议。 本文的研究可以为西安市城市土地集约利用评价提供参考;同时为西安市优化土地利用结构,编制土地利用总体规划提供依据,促进西安市城市土地集约利用。
[Abstract]:Since the beginning of the 21st century, the scale of Chinese cities has been expanding under the progress of industrialization and urbanization. In the face of the basic national conditions, such as large population and less land and limited reserve resources of land, the government has been paying more and more attention to the intensive use of land. Xi'an City as a leading city in the northwest, its urban land intensive use level? What are the ways to improve their intensive use? Based on the research results of domestic and foreign scholars on intensive use of urban land, this paper systematically analyzes the factors that affect the intensive use of urban land, and combines the natural, social and economic conditions and the present situation of land use in Xi'an. By using the method of combining experience and expert consultation, the evaluation index system of the whole urban land intensive utilization in Xi'an and the evaluation index system of the urban land intensive utilization in each district and county were constructed respectively by selecting the evaluation index. Then, the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the intensive utilization of urban land in Xi'an from 2000 to 2011, and the method of combining Delphi method and entropy method is used to determine the index weight. At the same time, factor analysis was used to evaluate the level of intensive land use in Xi'an. The overall evaluation results show that the level of intensive land use in Xi'an has been continuously improved from 2000 to 2011, which is roughly divided into three stages: fluctuation stage, rapid improvement stage and stable stage, in which land input level and land output level continue to rise. The intensity of land use and the potential of land development have declined, and the comprehensive score shows that Xi'an has a certain gap with the developed city, and needs to continue to improve. The evaluation results of each district and county show that the level of intensive land use is the highest in the forest area. Lianhu District, Xincheng District, Yanta District, the other regions land intensive use level is low. Finally, according to the analysis of the evaluation results, the paper puts forward the ways to improve the intensive utilization of urban land based on the real estate development, and constructs the evaluation index system of the intensive utilization of the real estate development land, at the same time, combining with the economic environment and social system, etc. Give feasible policy recommendations. The research in this paper can provide a reference for the evaluation of urban intensive land use in Xi'an, optimize the structure of land use, make the general planning of land use, and promote the intensive use of urban land in Xi'an.


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