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发布时间:2018-05-27 03:03

  本文选题:水墨视觉语言 + 当代招贴设计 ; 参考:《湖北工业大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The Chinese ink visual language has great contemporary artistic value. It excavates the demand of the ink and ink elements in the poster art, expounds the expression principle of applying the ink and ink elements to the poster design, reveals the unique artistic charm of the ink and ink elements, and can stimulate people to inherit the ink culture and the creative poster art form. The traditional ink painting has been developed for a long time. It has formed its own unique artistic language, with national characteristics of culture, art and spiritual value. Its application in contemporary poster design can promote the development of Chinese modern design and the formation of Chinese characteristic art design style, thus promote the development of Chinese poster art forms, and add new artistic styles to the design of poster in the world. This article first discusses the value of the application of the ink visual language in the contemporary poster design, such as the cultural heritage value, the spread value and the aesthetic value. Secondly, the application of the ink visual language in the contemporary poster design is a kind of artistic creation, which has significant regularity, and needs to explore its principles in the shape, content and subject matter. For example, visual modeling symbolization, traditional and modern humanistic artistic conception fusion, etc. third, ink visual language through form constitution law, from form to charm sublimation, visual association pregeneration, form integration innovation application and digital ink in specific poster design, this aspect of exploration and interpretation can be used for the visual language of ink and wash. The application of the Contemporary Poster Design provides specific methodological guidance. Fourth, at present, there are no lack of excellent works in the field of ink visual language in Contemporary Poster Design. In the design of commercial poster, the design works of real estate poster are selected as a case, and some works are selected for case study in the design of public welfare posters. And compare, excavate the contents and characteristics of different types of poster design, provide some inspiration for the application. Finally, the problems in the application of visual visual language in the contemporary poster design are summarized and analyzed, and the trend and Prospect of the future development are also prospected.


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