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发布时间:2018-05-31 04:33

  本文选题:居住区 + 景观设计 ; 参考:《福建农林大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasing improvement of urban civilization and people's living standard, people put forward higher requirements to the environmental construction of residential areas. Urban landscape includes road landscape, park landscape, square landscape, commercial street landscape, residential landscape, etc. Because residential space is the largest part of urban landscape planning space, Therefore, residential landscape design is particularly important. Pavement design is an important part of residential landscape design, and material selection and application in pavement design become very important. With the development of economy, the overall quality of people is improved, and the ecological and aesthetic features of pavement are also required. In recent years, with the rapid development of the real estate industry in our country, the landscape design of the coastal cities has also begun to improve gradually, making the pavement design of our country also get some progress. However, there are still many problems in the selection and application of pavement design in our country. For example, there are too many hard pavement applications in the pavement design, which leads to poor drainage and air permeability of the pavement, which can easily cause heat island effect; there is no domestic landscape style. As a result, the pavement design lacks the characteristics or the style is not clear. In recent years, our country pays more and more attention to the matter of nationality, and people's national consciousness is becoming stronger and stronger, which also promotes the formation of landscape design style in our country, but only in a few cases. In this paper, first of all, through understanding the research background of the subject of residential ground surfacing materials, and combining with a large number of documents to analyze the domestic and foreign pavement materials in the landscape application research status and existing problems. This paper probes into the types and main characteristics of the ground paving materials commonly used in residential areas, analyzes the properties of texture, color, configuration and scale of residential paving, and puts forward the principles of material selection and application suitable for the laying design of residential areas in China. POE evaluation was carried out. The landscape design cases of site A in Zhaojijun City were divided into several key parts to analyze its material selection and application. According to the first and second evaluation of POE evaluation system, SD curves were drawn to verify the advantages and disadvantages of the pavement design.


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