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发布时间:2018-06-03 22:23

  本文选题:房地产专业 + 赛训结合 ; 参考:《职教论坛》2016年08期

[Abstract]:The rapid rise of the real estate market, formed a huge demand for real estate talent. However, the structural contradiction between the supply and demand of real estate talents has always existed, which shows the disconnection between the training of real estate professionals in vocational colleges and the practice of the industry, and objectively requires the promotion of the teaching reform of the real estate majors in higher vocational colleges. To achieve the talent training and market demand, "zero distance" docking. This paper analyzes the necessity of teaching reform of real estate specialty and the role of professional skill competition in the training of talents in higher vocational education, and puts forward and discusses the combination of competition and training. The systematic teaching reform path of real estate major in higher vocational education.
【作者单位】: 湖南交通职业技术学院;
【基金】:湖南省教育科学规划课题“‘学中干·干中学’效应的应用型本科会计专业岗位技能实训主导型实践教学体系研究”(编号:XJK015BGD045),主持人:彭喜阳 湖南省职业教育与成人教育学会科研规划立项课题“高职房地产专业顶岗实习管理模式优化研究”(编号:XHB2015037),主持人:朱小艳


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