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发布时间:2018-06-03 22:56

  本文选题:旧城改造 + 商业计划 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:2011年伊始发布的“新国八条”,央行六次上调存款准备金率,三次加息,不断完善土地供给制度,大力推动保障房建设,出台了“限价令”、“限购令”、“限贷令”,不断运用各种行政杠杆与经济杠杆给房地产市场持续加压,其过热势头得以有效控制。然后,以节约集约用地的“三旧“改造号角在广东吹响,这一作法既是化解了人多地少的矛盾,同时也改善了城乡人居环境、加快发展方式转变、激发城乡生机与活力,这对于加快揭阳发展具有深远的历史意义和重要的现实意义。 本文以揭阳市创鸿帝景湾项目为研究对象,在现行管理理论的基础上,按照商业计划书的要求,对该项目的背景意义、市场环境、市场定位、营销策略、财务分析以及风险防范等方面进行了系统的阐述,主要内容包括: 首先,对项目的背景、意义与基本情况进行了了简单介绍。 其次,认真分析了国家当前房地产宏观调控和揭阳市“三旧”改造政策情况,结合揭阳市房地产状况,找出创鸿帝景湾的市场机会。 再次,根据战略管理的相关理论,利用SWOT分析模型等工具,对该项目进行了市场定位,以潮汕文化为基调,最终确定了本项目的整体定位为“潮汕富豪湾”。并总结分析创鸿帝景湾项目两个阶段的营销推广策略,,为保持竞争优势提出各时期各阶段的市场推广活动方案。 最后,通过相关的财务指标分析项目的可行性,同时也列举了项目实施过程中可能出现的风险,并提出了相应的对策方案。 结果分析表明,本文所研究的项目是一个投入大、经济效益好、投资回报收效快的项目。只要能制定好详细的运作计划,有目的地防范各类风险,提升项目管理水平,在竞争对手前占领市场,项目必将获得成功,投资者必将获得理想的经济回报。
[Abstract]:At the beginning of 2011, the Central Bank raised the reserve requirement ratio six times, raised interest rates three times, continuously improved the land supply system, vigorously promoted the construction of indemnificatory apartment, and issued "price restriction orders", "purchase restrictions" and "loan restrictions". Constant use of various administrative leverage and economic leverage to the real estate market pressure, its overheating momentum can be effectively controlled. Then, the horn of the "three old" transformation of saving intensive land has sounded in Guangdong, which not only resolves the contradiction between more people and less land, but also improves the living environment of urban and rural areas, accelerates the transformation of development mode, and stimulates the vitality and vitality of urban and rural areas. This to accelerate the development of Jieyang has profound historical significance and important practical significance. Based on the current management theory and according to the requirements of the business plan, this paper takes the project of Jieyang City as the research object, and gives the background significance, market environment, market positioning and marketing strategy of the project. Financial analysis and risk prevention and other aspects of a systematic elaboration, the main contents include: First, the background, significance and basic situation of the project are briefly introduced. Secondly, this paper analyzes the current macro-control of real estate and the reform policy of "three old" in Jieyang city, and finds out the market opportunities of Chong Hong Di Jing Bay in combination with the real estate situation in Jieyang City. Thirdly, according to the related theory of strategic management, using the SWOT analysis model and other tools, the market positioning of the project is carried out, and the overall positioning of the project is "Chaoshan plutocratic bay", which is based on Chaoshan culture. In order to maintain the competitive advantage, the marketing promotion strategies of the two stages of Chuanghong Di King Bay Project are summarized and analyzed, and the plan of marketing activities in each stage is put forward in order to maintain the competitive advantage. Finally, the feasibility of the project is analyzed through the relevant financial indicators, and the possible risks in the implementation of the project are also listed, and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward. The results show that the project studied in this paper is a project with large investment, good economic benefit and fast return on investment. As long as we can make a detailed operation plan, guard against all kinds of risks purposefully, improve the level of project management, and occupy the market in front of the competitors, the project will be successful, and the investors will get the ideal economic return.


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5 张




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