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发布时间:2018-06-14 07:53

  本文选题:房地产业 + 产业安全 ; 参考:《长沙理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近几十年来随着对外开放的程度逐步加深,对中国产业经济的发展具有双重作用。首先,在对外开放的背景下,给中国各个产业带来的更多的资金以及先进的管理理念、创新技术。但同时,也给中国各个产业带来了不断的冲击。外资进入所引发的产业安全的问题不容忽视。 本文在产业安全理论、宏观经济学、微观经济学、房地产经济学等基本理论的指导下,分析描述中国房地产的特点、发展状况以及房地产安全影响因素。借鉴学者们的研究成果以及相关的产业特性,结合产业安全指标构建原则,从而构建中国房地产的产业安全评价指标体系,采用主成分分析方法分析选取的指标得出产业安全度,并与无外资进入的指标条件下对比分析中国房地产的产业安全度。 本文的研究结果得出以下的结论:第一,房地产投资风险加大,外资对房地产产业安全影响较大。实证分析得到外资利用率对中国房地产产业度影响突出。第二,房地产发展环境对房地产产业安全的影响大。产业发展环境的因素在第一主成分全部显示,说明对产业安全影响较大。资本成本增加,市场需求不能满足,劳动力素质逐渐下降,因此房地产发展环境面对越来越多的挑战。第三,房地产产业竞争力不强。2011年年底,中国房地产开发企业资产总额达284359亿元,资产负债率高达75.4%。在竞争日益激烈的房地产市场,,房地产开发企业规模化经营程度低,产业结构不均衡,导致房地产业总体产业竞争力不强。第四,房地产对社会贡献作用大。经研究发现,就业人数2001年~2011年由106万人增长至225万人;经营企业数目2001年~2011年由29552家增加到88419家,我国房地产业在增加社会财富、促进就业方面发挥了积极的作用。 最后,本文针对研究的结果提出相关的对策建议。首先完善产业安全保护的相关政策,完善反垄断法,加强外资法的实施,扶持国家竞争力弱的产业发展。其次,抑制房地产投资过热的现象,对外资的进入酌情加以控制。增强房地产产业的竞争力。再次,积极推动房地产发展对社会的贡献作用,提高社会就业程度。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of opening to the outside world in recent decades, it plays a dual role in the development of China's industrial economy. First of all, under the background of opening to the outside world, more funds and advanced management ideas and innovative technology will be brought to all industries in China. But at the same time, it has also brought constant impact to various industries in China. The problem of industrial safety caused by foreign capital entering should not be ignored. Under the guidance of industrial safety theory, macroeconomics, microeconomics, real estate economics and other basic theories, this paper analyzes and describes the characteristics of Chinese real estate, its development and the influencing factors of real estate security. Referring to the research results of scholars and related industry characteristics, combining with the principles of industrial safety index construction, this paper constructs the industrial safety evaluation index system of China's real estate. The industrial safety degree of China's real estate is analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA) method and compared with the index without foreign capital. The conclusions are as follows: first, the risk of real estate investment is increased, and foreign investment has a great impact on the safety of real estate industry. Empirical analysis shows that the utilization rate of foreign capital has a prominent impact on China's real estate industry. Second, the real estate development environment has a great impact on the real estate industry safety. The factors of industrial development environment are all shown in the first principal component, indicating that the impact on industrial safety is great. The capital cost increases, the market demand cannot satisfy, the labor quality drops gradually, therefore the real estate development environment faces more and more challenges. Third, the competitiveness of the real estate industry is not strong. At the end of 2011, the total assets of Chinese real estate development enterprises reached 28.4359 trillion yuan, and the ratio of assets to liabilities reached 75.445%. In the increasingly competitive real estate market, the scale of real estate development enterprises is low, the industrial structure is not balanced, leading to the overall industrial competitiveness of the real estate industry is not strong. Fourth, real estate has a great contribution to society. It is found that the number of employed persons increased from 1.06 million to 2.25 million from 2001 to 2011, and the number of enterprises increased from 29552 to 88419 from 2001 to 2011. The real estate industry in China has played an active role in increasing social wealth and promoting employment. Finally, this paper puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions in view of the results of the study. Firstly, we should perfect the relevant policies of industrial safety protection, perfect the anti-monopoly law, strengthen the implementation of foreign capital law, and support the development of industries with weak national competitiveness. Secondly, restrain the phenomenon of overheating of real estate investment, and control the entry of foreign capital as appropriate. Enhance the competitiveness of the real estate industry. Thirdly, promote the contribution of real estate development to the society and improve the degree of social employment.


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