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发布时间:2018-06-16 22:34

  本文选题:房地产销售人员情 + 绪劳动 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:情绪是人类心理活动的重要组成部分,深刻地响人们生活和工作,因此有关情绪的研究也就涉及到了个人及社会生活的方方面面。情绪劳动(Emotional labor)作为情绪研究的重要部分,是由社会学家Hochschild于1979年提出的,他认为情绪劳动是“个体通过情感的管理来创造出公众可观察的面部表情和身体动作”。随后,研究者采用定性研究的方法来探讨各行各业的情绪劳动。 情绪劳动的研究主要集中在服务性产业,企业向顾客提供的服务不仅体现在可见的商品上,员工与顾客接触的服务质量更被看重,这就要求员工在工作时有一定的情绪表现(Emotional display),同时,员工在劳动或工作中的情绪问题也随之而来,如倦怠(Burnout)、情绪失调(Emotional disorder)、工作压力(Workstress)和工作不满(Work dissatisfaction)等问题(文书生,2004),甚至产生离职倾向(Turnover intention)。 房地产行业与服务性行业相比,具有其特殊性和更深远的影响。房地产业在中国是一个高速发展的行业,经过近十多年的发展,已经成为国民经济的支柱性产业,但在全球经济低迷和房产地产管制相关政策的出台的双重背景下,企业面临着前所未有的市场竞争。同时,房地产销售人员也有别与普通的服务性行业员工,房地产销售人员,已经不再是一个简单的楼盘销售员,而是具有专业房产销售知识和服务营销意识的复合人才,被称为客户经理或是置业顾问,他们是开发商和楼盘招牌,客户对开发商和楼盘的第一印象的好坏往往是从他(她)们身上得来的,他们背负着更大的企业经济发展指标,面对着需求各异的消费者,无时无刻不进行着情绪劳动,更易产生工作倦怠(Job Burnout),员工中离职率也处在较高水平。因此,对房地产销售人员情绪劳动进行深入系统的研究,显得愈发重要,既可以预防情绪劳动对员工造成伤害,也可以有效地维护保持企业的竞争力,为整个社会经济的稳定发展做出一定的贡献。 本文以房地产销售人员为研究对象,详细阐述研究背景、目的和意义,运用相关理论基础,并对情绪劳动、工作倦怠和离职倾向进行研究综述,并且对相关概念进行了界定,根据研究目的提出本研究的研究模型和对研究假设进行推导,并借助于SPSS和AMOS分析软件深入研究了房地产销售人员情绪劳动、工作倦怠和离职倾向量表的信效度,以及房地产销售人员情绪劳动、工作倦怠和离职倾向特点和关系,特别探讨了工作倦怠在情绪劳动对离职倾向影响机制中的中介作用。 对比以往的研究,本研究的创新之处体现在,第一,虽然情绪劳动和工作倦怠在各自领域的研究都已相对成熟,也已取得不错的成果,但是有关情绪劳动各维度与工作倦怠各维度的关系论证并不完善,如情绪劳动中表层行为和深层行为与工作倦怠中成就感低落这一维度的关系就没有相关的结论,本文将对此次进行补充和完善。第二,以往对于情绪劳动的研究的对象多集中在服务业,以酒店服务员和客服人员为主,或是以知识型员工为研究对象,并以教师和护士两个群体为主要样本,而本研究将房地产销售人员作为研究对象,将情绪劳动的研究对象进一步细分,对于房地产企业销售人员管理具有借鉴意义。第三,虽然,情绪劳动、工作倦怠和离职倾向这三个概念的研究屡见不鲜,但将三者构成一个研究模型的研究较少,本文将采用逐步回归分析来探讨工作倦怠在情绪劳动对离职倾向影响机制中的中介作用。 本文研究得出,首先,回归分析结果表明,工作倦怠在房地产销售人员的深层行为和离职倾向中起到了部分中介作用,同时,工作倦怠在房地产销售人员的自然行为和离职倾向中起到了部分中介作用。而工作倦怠在表层行为和离职倾向之间的关系中,并没有起到中介作用。另外,相关分析结果表明,表层行为与情绪衰竭、去人格化、成就感低落和离职倾向呈显著正相关,深层行为和自然行为与情绪衰竭、去人格化、成就感低落和离职倾向呈显著负相关:情绪衰竭、去人格化、成就感低落与离职倾向呈显著正相关。最后从人口统计变量的角度来讲,房地产销售人员的情绪劳动中表层行为在性别、年龄、学历和工作年龄上有显著差异,深层行为在工作年龄上有显著差异,自然行为在年龄学历和工作年龄上有显著差异;工作倦怠中情绪衰竭在性别、年龄、学历和工作年龄上有显著差异,去人格化在年龄和工作年龄上存在显著差异,成就感低落在工作年龄上有显著差异;离职倾向在性别、年龄、学历和工作年龄上没有明显。 综上所述,基于本研究假设,我们为房地产企业经营管理,特别是对销售人员的管理,提出几点管理建议,包括甄选最合适的房地产销售人才,注重技巧培训与文化建设,注重房地产销售人员的职业生涯规划,为房地产销售人员提供竞争性的薪酬,提高房地产销售人员的社会形象等。
[Abstract]:Emotion is an important part of human mental activity, which deeply affects people's life and work, so the study of emotion is involved in all aspects of personal and social life. Emotional labor (Emotional labor), an important part of emotional research, was proposed by sociological Hochschild in 1979, and he thinks emotional labor. "The individual creates an observable facial expression and body movement through the management of the emotions." then, the researchers used qualitative research to explore the emotional labor of all walks of life.
The research of emotional labor is mainly concentrated in the service industry. The service provided by the enterprise is not only reflected in the visible goods, but also the quality of the service which the employees and the customers are in contact with. This requires the employees to have a certain emotional expression (Emotional display) in the work, and the emotional problems of the employees in the work or work are also followed. And come, such as Burnout, Emotional disorder, work pressure (Workstress) and job discontent (Work dissatisfaction) and other issues (clerical, 2004), and even Turnover intention (Turnover intention).
The real estate industry has its particularity and far-reaching influence compared with the service industry. The real estate industry is a fast developing industry in China. After nearly more than 10 years' development, the real estate industry has become the pillar industry of the national economy, but under the dual background of the global economic downturn and the related policy of real estate management system, the enterprise faces the enterprise face. At the same time, there is an unprecedented market competition. At the same time, real estate sales staff are also different from ordinary service workers. Real estate salesmen are no longer a simple real estate salesman, but a compound talent with professional property sales knowledge and service marketing awareness, known as customer manager or home consultant, they are open. The first impression of the developer and the real estate is often obtained from his (her). They bear a larger index of the economic development of the enterprise. They are faced with the different demands of the consumers, all the time and the emotional labor, the Job Burnout, and the turnover rate in the staff. Therefore, the in-depth and systematic study of the emotional labor of the real estate sales staff is becoming more and more important. It can not only prevent emotional labor from causing harm to employees, but also effectively maintain the competitiveness of the enterprises and make certain contributions to the stable development of the whole social economy.
This article takes the real estate salesman as the research object, expounds the research background, the purpose and the significance, uses the relevant theoretical basis, and summarizes the research on emotional labor, job burnout and turnover intention, and defines the related concepts. According to the purpose of the research, it puts forward the research model of this research and deduces the research hypothesis, and borrows it. SPSS and AMOS analysis software are used to study the reliability and validity of the emotional labor of real estate salesmen, job burnout and turnover intention, the characteristics and relationship of emotional labor, job burnout and turnover intention of real estate salesmen, and the intermediary role of job burnout in the influence mechanism of job burnout on turnover intention.
In contrast to previous studies, the innovation of this study is embodied in the first. Although the research of emotional labor and job burnout in their respective fields has been relatively mature and has achieved good results, the relationship between the various dimensions of emotional labor and the various dimensions of job burnout is not perfect, such as the surface behavior and deep behavior in emotional labor. There are no relevant conclusions on the relationship between the decline of sense of achievement in job burnout. This article will supplement and improve this. Second, the previous research on emotional labor focused on service industry, mainly hotel attendants and customer service personnel, or knowledge workers as the research object, and two teachers and nurses. The group is the main sample, and this study takes the real estate salesman as the research object, further subdivides the research object of emotional labor, and has the reference significance for the management of the sales personnel of the real estate enterprise. Third, although the three concepts, such as emotional labor, job burnout and turnover intention, are common, but the three constitute a research. Study on the model of this paper will use less, to explore the stepwise regression analysis of job burnout emotional labor intermediary role in the influence mechanism on turnover intention.
Firstly, the results of regression analysis show that job burnout plays a part of mediating role in the deep behavior and turnover intention of real estate salesmen. At the same time, job burnout plays a part of mediating role in the natural behavior and turnover intention of real estate salesmen. The job burnout is in surface behavior and turnover intention. In addition, the correlation analysis showed that there was a significant positive correlation between surface behavior and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, depression of achievement and turnover intention. Deep behavior and natural behavior and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, low achievement and turnover were negatively related to turnover intention: emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. In terms of demographic variables, the surface behavior of real estate salesmen has significant differences in gender, age, education and working age, and there are significant differences in the working age, and natural behavior in age and working age. There are significant differences in the emotional exhaustion of job burnout in gender, age, educational background and working age. There are significant differences in age and working age. There is a significant difference in the sense of achievement in the working age. The tendency of turnover is not obvious in sex, age, education and working age.
To sum up, based on the hypothesis of this study, we put forward several management suggestions for the management of real estate enterprises, especially for the management of the sales staff, including the selection of the most suitable real estate sales personnel, the training of skills and the cultural construction, the career planning of the real estate salesmen, and the competition for the real estate salesmen. The salary increase, real estate sales staff's social image.


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