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发布时间:2018-06-23 04:28

  本文选题:首付款比例 + 广告法 ; 参考:《二十一世纪商业评论》2016年11期

[Abstract]:Real estate control of the history of 10 years, limited-to-ban-limited purchase, several cycles. A day before the National Day, Beijing introduced a new property market comprehensive increase in the proportion of down payments. Then 22 cities, such as Tianjin, Suzhou, Zhengzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and so on, followed up one after another and adjusted from the aspects of loan restriction, purchase restriction and land supply, which basically involved restarting or expanding the purchase restriction. Everyone's plans have been disrupted. People who were going to buy the house said, "I won't consider buying it for the time being." "the sudden purchase restrictions have made people cautious that speculation is not the surest option. If real estate is cyclical, it is now at its peak, and the crazy market may have to stop." The post-purchase restriction era has become more restrictive. In mid-October, Shenzhen was the first to announce strict enforcement of the advertising law.


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3 ;资讯[J];新经济导刊;2010年05期

4 ;政策[J];名人传记(财富人物);2010年06期

5 姚国会;;国务院遏制房价再出“重拳”[J];中国房地产金融;2010年07期

6 本刊记者;;行业信息[J];安徽建筑;2010年02期

7 ;中国2009年~2010年房地产调控政策一览[J];内蒙古金融研究;2010年04期

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9 姚国会;;国务院遏制房价再出“重拳”[J];南方论刊;2010年06期

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