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发布时间:2018-06-23 04:44

  本文选题:房地产投资项目 + 投资决策 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国市场经济的稳步发展,房地产投资活动日益活跃,房地产市场存在的竞争也越来越激烈,正确决策成为投资者取胜的关键。如何科学分析和全面评价房地产投资项目的可行性,至今仍是房地产投资中研究的重要问题。本文针对海南华阳房地产项目投资决策问题,分析研究了影响项目投资决策主要因素,构建了房地产投资决策指标体系,并对海南华阳房地产项目投资决策评价结果进行了一定的探讨和研究。 首先介绍了房地产项目投资及决策的相关概念与理论,对投资决策的原则、内容、流程等进行了阐述。通过对房地产投资决策影响因素的全面分析,构建了房地产投资决策指标体系,对指标体系中的各项指标进行了详细分析,针对房地产投资决策中现存的问题,采用改进的层次分析法建立指标体系权重模型;选用模糊综合评价方法作为房地产投资项目综合评价模型,,根据海南华阳房地产项目的实际情况进行实证分析,得出了该项目具有较好投资回报的结论,验证了采用改进的层次分析法确定指标权重的科学性和利用模糊综合评价模型作为评价方法的适用性,从而为房地产项目投资决策提供科学有效的决策基础。
[Abstract]:With the steady development of the market economy in China, the real estate investment activities are increasingly active, the competition in the real estate market is becoming more and more fierce, and the correct decision is the key to the success of the investors. How to scientifically analyze and comprehensively evaluate the feasibility of real estate investment projects is still an important problem in the real estate investment. The investment decision problem of Hainan Hua Yang real estate project is analyzed. The main factors affecting the investment decision of the project are analyzed and studied. The decision index system of real estate investment is constructed, and the results of investment decision evaluation of Hainan Hua Yang real estate project are discussed and studied.
First, it introduces the related concepts and theories of real estate project investment and decision-making, expounds the principle, content and process of investment decision. Through the comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting the decision of real estate investment, this paper constructs the decision index system of real estate investment, analyzes in detail the indexes in the index system, and aims at the real estate. The existing problems in the investment decision are established by the improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is selected as the comprehensive evaluation model of the real estate investment project. According to the actual situation of the Hainan Hua Yang real estate project, the conclusion is drawn that the project has a good return on investment. The improved analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to determine the scientificity of the index weight and the applicability of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, thus providing a scientific and effective decision-making basis for the investment decision of real estate projects.


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