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发布时间:2018-06-23 08:42

  本文选题:房地产 + 多项目 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:民营化、规模化、专业化、制度化、品牌化、跨区域开发、多渠道融资等已经成为我国房地产开发企业的主要发展特征。对于房地产开发企业而言,多个项目同时开发是司空见惯的情况,因而在房地产企业中多项目管理的能力就成为衡量企业发展实力的重要标准。对于房地产开发企业而言,建筑材料的成本一般情况要占项目总成本的六成以上,而建筑材料的质量好坏又是项目好坏的重要决定因素,所以建筑材料采购就成为房地产企业经营活动中的重要环节,多项目物资采购也就成为房地产企业的必修课程。 众所周之,在房地产行业中,物资的采购通常是通过招标,以竞标的形式形成的。目前,在国内关于建筑物资采购招标的研究已经比较成熟,所以本文研究的重点侧重于建筑物资的采购策略。采购策略的选择对库存控制及影响极大,采购策略通过订货方式影响到了供需双方的库存成本。因而在本研究中,选择采购作为房地产业物流管理优化的关键环节,以房地产企业中多项目采购为视角,研究的重点在于房地产业多项目物流采购策略,主要对以下内容进行了研究。 第一,本篇论文对房地产企业项目采购的特点、范围、流程及需要遵循的相关原则进行论述;对房地产企业进行多项目物资采购的内涵、模式及采购的特点和难点进行分析。 第二,论文从集中采购和分散采购这两种模式入手对房地产企业的多项目物资采购组织进行建设规划;对当前房地产企业进行物资采购时可以选择的方式进行论述;此外还对多项目物资采购过程中邀请招标方式的应用,房地产企业多项目物资采购流程的制定进行了论述;提出了建立供应商认证评审体系的观点,对供应商的评估方式进行分析研究。 第三,本篇论文以富力地产房地产集团公司F项目精装修房部分工程多项目采购作为实例进行了案例分析。
[Abstract]:Privatization, scale, specialization, institutionalization, branding, cross-regional development and multi-channel financing have become the main development characteristics of Chinese real estate development enterprises. For real estate development enterprises, it is common to develop multiple projects at the same time, so the ability of multi-project management in real estate enterprises has become an important standard to measure the strength of enterprise development. For real estate development enterprises, the cost of building materials generally accounts for more than 60% of the total cost of the project, and the quality of building materials is an important determinant of the quality of the project. Therefore, the procurement of building materials has become an important link in the management of real estate enterprises, and multi-project material procurement has become a compulsory course for real estate enterprises. As is well known, in the real estate industry, the procurement of goods is usually through bidding, in the form of competitive bidding. At present, the domestic research on procurement bidding of construction materials has been more mature, so this paper focuses on the procurement strategy of construction materials. The choice of purchasing strategy has a great influence on the inventory control and inventory control, and the purchase strategy affects the inventory cost of both supply and demand parties through the way of ordering. Therefore, in this study, we select procurement as the key link of logistics management optimization in real estate industry, take multi-project procurement in real estate enterprises as the perspective, and focus on the multi-project logistics procurement strategy of real estate industry. This paper mainly studies the following contents. First, this paper discusses the characteristics, scope, process and relevant principles of project procurement in real estate enterprises; analyzes the connotation, mode, characteristics and difficulties of multi-project material procurement in real estate enterprises. Second, the paper starts with the two modes of centralized procurement and decentralized procurement to plan the construction of the multi-project material procurement organization of real estate enterprises, and discusses the ways that can be chosen when the real estate enterprises purchase goods and materials at present. In addition, the application of inviting bidding in the process of multi-project material procurement and the formulation of multi-project material procurement process in real estate enterprises are discussed, and the viewpoint of establishing supplier certification evaluation system is put forward. Analyze supplier evaluation methods. Thirdly, this paper takes F project of F project as a case study.


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