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发布时间:2018-06-23 11:22

  本文选题:财务战略 + 企业核心能力 ; 参考:《中南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:摘要:财务战略是企业职能战略中的一部分,在企业战略中有着极其重要的核心地位。成功的企业都具有与企业发展相适应的财务战略。我国的中小企业作为市场经济中的一支重要力量,由于自身和外部的种种原因,在应对激烈的市场竞争时,往往显示出应对风险的能力不强,究其原因与企业不重视发挥财务管理的重要作用有直接的关系,因此,中小企业要想可持续健康发展,必须制定出符合自身发展的财务战略。 本文以房地产行业为背景,以WCT这样一家中型的房地产公司为研究对象,结合财务战略管理的相关理论,对其进行具体分析,为其选取适合企业发展的财务战略,并对其具体实施方案进行介绍与评估,以期解决WCT公司面临的发展问题,为其发展提供一种思路,并对其他企业的财务战略制定具有一定的借鉴意义。 本文首先对相关理论进行了分析介绍,并以财务战略理论、企业核心能力与企业生命周期理论作为WCT公司制定财务战略的理论依据。 其次,利用大量实证数据,具体分析WCT所处的内外部环境,并以此为本文的实证基础,进一步结合WCT公司的总战略,确定WCT公司应当采取增长型的财务战略,并应当在筹资战略、投资战略、资金管理战略以及收益分配战略四个方面进行具体定位。 最后,结合企业的实际情况,围绕上述四个战略,制定、完善具体的财务制度与流程,采取多种具体措施对战略的实施进行有效控制,在此基础上对战略的实施进行效果预估。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: financial strategy is a part of enterprise function strategy and plays an extremely important role in enterprise strategy. Successful enterprises all have the financial strategy which adapts to the development of the enterprise. As an important force in the market economy, the small and medium-sized enterprises of our country, because of their own and various external reasons, often show a weak ability to deal with the risks when dealing with the fierce market competition. The reason is directly related to the fact that enterprises do not attach importance to the important role of financial management. Therefore, if small and medium-sized enterprises want to develop in a sustainable and healthy manner, they must formulate a financial strategy that conforms to their own development. This article takes the real estate industry as the background, takes the WCT as the research object, unifies the financial strategy management related theory, carries on the concrete analysis to it, selects the suitable financial strategy for the enterprise development. In order to solve the development problems faced by WCT Company and provide a way of thinking for the development of WCT Company, it can be used for reference for other enterprises to formulate financial strategy. In this paper, the related theories are analyzed and introduced, and the theory of financial strategy, enterprise core competence and enterprise life cycle theory are used as the theoretical basis for WCT company to formulate financial strategy. Secondly, using a large number of empirical data to analyze the internal and external environment of WCT specifically, and taking this as the empirical basis of this paper, and further combining with the overall strategy of WCT company, to determine that WCT company should adopt the growth financial strategy. And should be in the financing strategy, the investment strategy, the fund management strategy and the income distribution strategy four aspects to carry on the concrete localization. Finally, combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, around the above four strategies, formulate and perfect the specific financial system and process, take a variety of specific measures to effectively control the implementation of the strategy, on the basis of the implementation of the strategy to predict the effect.


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