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发布时间:2018-06-23 21:16

  本文选题:收益质量 + 房地产行业 ; 参考:《中国石油大学(华东)》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The quality of income is one of the main problems in the research of economic theorists. The real estate industry is a "sharp profit" industry in China in recent years. This article links these two key words together to study the problem of evaluating the quality of income in the real estate industry. With the further development of the securities market and the occurrence of a series of financial problems in the listed companies, In this paper, the qualitative and quantitative analysis method is used to evaluate the quality of the real estate industry, to find out the existing problems, and to put forward some pertinent opinions for the improvement of the quality of the real estate listed companies. The research significance, the domestic and foreign related research on the real estate industry income quality evaluation, a brief introduction to the research content and method of this article. The second part of the relative theory of income quality evaluation. The connotation, characteristics and influencing factors of the income quality are introduced respectively. The third part of the real estate industry income quality status is divided into two parts. Analysis of the real estate industry characteristics, on the basis of the analysis of the real estate industry income development status, find out the existing problems. Fourth part of real estate industry income quality example analysis. Select the real estate industry income quality characteristics of the cash security, growth, profitability analysis. Select the 3 characteristics of the income quality characteristics. According to the corresponding index, the original data of the indexes of each sample are calculated and then re assigned. The weight of each index is determined by the variation coefficient method, and the formula of the comprehensive evaluation of the income quality is obtained. Several listed companies in the real estate industry are selected for 20112012 years as samples, and each characteristic index value is calculated according to the financial statements of the listed companies. The comprehensive evaluation formula draws the final result, analyzes the quality of income, and puts forward reasonable suggestions in the next chapter. The fifth part of the improvement of the real estate industry income quality countermeasures and suggestions, respectively from the perspective of the national macro-control and the enterprise itself point of view to put forward some reasonable countermeasures and suggestions. Finally, the conclusion, the main conclusions of this paper, points out. The limitations of this paper are analyzed and the directions for further research are explained.


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