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发布时间:2018-06-26 12:57

  本文选题:高尔夫设施 + 空间自相关 ; 参考:《上海体育学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自国家体委1985年发出《率先在北京、大连和广东三个地区开展高尔夫运动》的通知后,高尔夫设施如雨后春笋般出现在沿海经济发达以及旅游条件较好的地区。截止到2011年底,我国正在运营的高尔夫设施接近400家。高尔夫设施是高球产业的物质基础和发展保障,精确把握高尔夫设施分布模式的和积极促进其有序发展具有重要的理论与实践意义。 本文采用文献资料、专家访谈和数理统计等研究方法,,运用GeoDa软件对我国高尔夫设施进行空间自相关和集群类型分析。并对空间自相关分析结果进行了影响因素的相关分析。 结果表明: 1.以省域为尺度的我国高尔夫设施分布整体格局为随机空间格局。 2.新疆、四川、陕西、青海等西部省份组成了长期稳定的低低(LL)相关区域。 3.以广东省为中心的南部高尔夫设施“中高周低”(HL)离散格局未通过显著性检验。 4.环渤海区域最具成为高尔夫设施高高(HH)集聚区域的潜力。 5.各省域高尔夫设施的发展分布与该省域的“固定资产投资(利用外资)”、“中产阶级人数”、“房地产本年完成投资”、“年度降水总量”和“旅游外汇收入”等因素相关。 6.各省域高尔夫设施的发展分布与该省域的“气温条件”和“土地资源”等因素不相关。 7.各省域“旅游外汇收入”、“中产阶级人数”、“固定资产投资(利用外资)”、“房地产本年完成投资”、“年度降水总量”对省域高尔夫设施发展分布的影响依序降低。 最后本文还剖析了研究的局限性和未来研究的深化方向。
[Abstract]:Since 1985, when the State Sports Commission issued the notice of "taking the lead in developing golf in Beijing, Dalian and Guangdong", golf facilities have sprung up in areas with developed coastal economies and better tourist conditions. By the end of 2011, China is operating nearly 400 golf facilities. Golf facilities are the material basis and development guarantee of high ball industry. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to accurately grasp the distribution pattern of golf facilities and actively promote its orderly development. In this paper, using the methods of literature, expert interview and mathematical statistics, the spatial autocorrelation and cluster type analysis of golf facilities in China are carried out by using GeoDa software. And the spatial autocorrelation analysis results of the impact factors were analyzed. The results show that: 1. The overall distribution pattern of golf facilities in China is random spatial pattern. 2. Xinjiang, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Shaanxi, China. Qinghai and other western provinces have formed a long-term stable low (LL) related area. 3. The "middle high cycle low" (HL) discrete pattern of southern golf facilities centered in Guangdong Province has not passed the significance test. 4. The Bohai Rim region has the most potential to become a high golf facility (HH) agglomeration area. 5. The development and distribution of golf facilities in the provinces and the "fixed assets investment (utilizing foreign capital)" in the province, "number of middle class", "Real estate investment completed this year", (6) the development and distribution of golf facilities in each province are not related to such factors as "temperature conditions" and "land resources" in the province. 7. "Foreign exchange earnings from tourism" in the provinces, "the number of middle class", "fixed asset investment (using foreign capital)", "real estate investment completed this year", "total annual precipitation" on the development and distribution of golf facilities in the province in order to reduce. Finally, this paper also analyzes the limitations of the study and the direction of further research.


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