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发布时间:2018-07-24 15:55
【摘要】:随着房地产行业的逐步发展,当前银行采用在建工程抵押的方式向房地产行业注入的信贷资金逐年增多,如何对抵押在建工程进行价值评估并确定适宜的贷款额度就变得尤为重要。由于目前理论界对抵押贷款价值类型的争议以及实际操作中多以市场价值为主进行笼统评估,银行等金融机构大多是根据从业经验对评估机构所评估出的市场价值进行折算从而得到抵押价值。但这种方法对银行从业人员的经验要求极高,而且精确度不够。很容易产生一定幅度的高估或低估,,对银行或者开发商造成一定的损失。 本文首先从房地产抵押评估的相关基础理论出发,对房地产抵押评估的价值类型进深行深入研究。接着分析了我国房地产抵押评估的现状、抵押评估过程中出现的问题以及出现这些问题的原因。简述了传统的几种评估方法并探究了这几种传统的评估方法对在建工程抵押变现价值评估的适用性与局限性。在这些理论研究的基础上,结合在建工程自身的特殊性,提出了两种新的评估在建工程抵押变现价值的方法:变现系数法和参照调整法。变现系数法中采用梯形模糊决策理论建立指标模型,从而得出比较合理精确的快速变现系数。参照调整法中首先引入模糊识别模型,分析、计算待抵押在建工程与市场上类似已变现的抵押在建工程的贴近度,进而选取最佳的可比实例,并采用归一法进行调整,使得估价结果更合理更精准。此外,还根据这两种评估方法各自不同的适用性,将它们结合形成更为有效的综合评估法。最后通过实例对所提出的在建工程抵押变现价值评估方法进行实证分析。这样就可以得到更为准确、合理与有效的抵押变现价值,从而为日后银行业的相关信贷决策提供科学依据。
[Abstract]:With the gradual development of the real estate industry, the amount of credit funds injected into the real estate industry by banks using the way of mortgage in construction projects is increasing year by year. How to evaluate the value of mortgage construction and determine the appropriate amount of loans becomes particularly important. Because of the controversy of mortgage value type and the general evaluation of market value in practice, Banks and other financial institutions mostly convert the market value assessed by the evaluation institution according to their working experience to get the mortgage value. However, the experience of the bank staff is very high, and the accuracy of this method is not enough. It is easy to produce a certain extent of overestimation or underestimation, causing certain losses to banks or developers. Based on the basic theory of real estate mortgage evaluation, this paper deeply studies the value types of real estate mortgage assessment. Then it analyzes the current situation of real estate mortgage assessment in China, the problems in the process of mortgage assessment and the reasons for these problems. This paper briefly introduces several traditional evaluation methods and probes into the applicability and limitation of these traditional evaluation methods to the evaluation of the value of mortgage realization in the construction project. On the basis of these theoretical studies and combining with the particularity of the construction project in progress, two new methods to evaluate the value of mortgage realization of the construction in progress are put forward: the method of realisation coefficient and the method of reference adjustment. In the realization coefficient method, the trapezoidal fuzzy decision theory is used to establish the index model, and a more reasonable and accurate fast realization coefficient is obtained. Referring to the adjustment method, the fuzzy identification model is introduced first, and the closeness degree of the construction project in progress to be mortgaged is calculated to be similar to that in the market, then the best comparable example is selected, and the normalization method is adopted to adjust it. Make the valuation more reasonable and accurate. In addition, according to the different applicability of the two evaluation methods, a more effective comprehensive evaluation method is formed. Finally, an example is given to analyze the method of realizing the value of mortgage in construction project. In this way, we can get more accurate, reasonable and effective value of mortgage realization, and provide scientific basis for the related credit decision of the banking industry in the future.


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