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发布时间:2018-07-25 10:17
【摘要】:改革开放以来,随着市场经济的推进,城市化的发展,房地产市场的不断成熟,作为房地产业配套行业的物业管理自20世纪80年代逐步在国内得到发展,并迅速成长、成熟。改革开放同样给厦门带来了无限生机与活力,厦门市的物业管理行业经历了从无到有,从小到大,从弱到强的快速发展过程。该行业的发展不仅为城市建设创造了巨大的社会效益、环境效益和经济效益,而且成为推动厦门市第三产业发展的重要力量。近年来,随着厦门市城市建设的迅猛发展,物业管理行业也得到快速发展,主要表现在:物业管理市场巨大;业主对物业服务的需求旺盛;物业服务企业的数量不断扩大;物业服务企业素质和服务水平不断提高;物业管理法规政策不断完善;物业管理行业所创造的社会效益、环境效益和经济效益日益显现。 厦门市物业管理行业实现超常规发展的同时,问题与困难也逐渐凸显,主要表现在:(1)从物业管理的市场主体(业主及物业服务企业)看,业主缺乏商品消费意识,“质价相符”的观念较为薄弱,业主委员会成立及换届程序不规范,发挥的作用不理想;物业服务企业与开发商“亲缘”关系密切,缺乏经营服务理念,企业整体素质及管理的科技含量偏低。(2)从物业管理的市场客体(物业管理服务)看,常规性的公共服务、物业服务收费管理、涉及业主公共资产的管理与运作存在不规范,物业管理服务纠纷呈现上升趋势。(3)从物业管理的市场环境看,物业管理行业的法制建设还不够及时,相关制度仍不完善,行业发展的社会环境仍不尽如人意。因此,本文在借鉴其他国家及国内深圳、上海等发达城市在物业管理方面的成功经验的基础上,从物业管理市场主体、市场客体及市场环境三个方面提出厦门市物业管理行业发展的思路对策。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the promotion of market economy, the development of urbanization and the continuous maturity of the real estate market, property management, as a supporting industry of the real estate industry, has been gradually developed in China since the 1980s, and has grown rapidly and matured. The reform and opening up has also brought unlimited vitality and vitality to Xiamen. The property management industry in Xiamen has experienced a rapid development from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong. The development of this industry has not only created huge social, environmental and economic benefits for urban construction, but also become an important force to promote the development of tertiary industry in Xiamen. In recent years, with the rapid development of urban construction in Xiamen, the property management industry has also been rapid development, mainly in: the property management market is huge; the demand for property services by owners is strong; the number of property service enterprises is expanding; The quality and service level of property service enterprises are improving continuously; property management regulations and policies are being perfected; the social, environmental and economic benefits created by the property management industry are becoming increasingly apparent. At the same time, the problems and difficulties of Xiamen property management industry become more and more obvious. The main problems are as follows: (1) from the view of the market main body of property management (owners and property service enterprises), the owners lack the awareness of commodity consumption. The concept of "quality and price match" is weak, the procedure of establishing and changing the owners' committee is not standardized, and the function of property service enterprise is not ideal. The property service enterprise is closely related to the developer and lacks the concept of management and service. (2) from the point of view of the market object of property management (property management service), the regular public service and the charge management of property service involve the management and operation of the owner's public assets. Property management service disputes show an upward trend. (3) from the property management market environment, the legal construction of the property management industry is not timely, the relevant system is still imperfect, and the social environment of industry development is still not satisfactory. Therefore, on the basis of the successful experience of other countries and developed cities such as Shenzhen and Shanghai in the field of property management, this paper starts with the main body of the property management market. Three aspects of market object and market environment are put forward for the development of Xiamen property management industry.


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