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发布时间:2018-07-27 16:18
【摘要】:房地产行业具有产业值总量大,关联度高和产业带动能力强等特点,健康稳定发展房地产行业在我国当前经济时代背景下对于保持和推动经济总体稳定增长具有重要意义。我国政府历来重视运用公共政策来调控房地产行业,房地产市场受国家宏观政策重要影响,近年来国家加大了对房地产业调控力度。政策作用范围在国内区域逐步扩散,湛江作为发达省份的三线城市,研究当地国家房地产调控政策实施效果,有利于规范湛江市房地产行业发展和科学评价国家房地产政策在具体区域执行情况,具有重要学术和实践研究价值。 本文首先通过阅读文献界定研究范围,接着通过梳理国内外研究现状确定选题的学术研究价值,然后阐释房地产业和公共政策效果概念,选取市场失灵理论、政府失灵理论和公共政策绩效评价理论作为理论依据,并论述了房地产行业存在市场失灵和政府政策调控必要性以及可能的影响效果。然后在第三章开始归纳了2007-2012年间中央政府实施的房地产政策,解析各阶段政策实施的侧重点,对实施政策进行分类,析出土地、税收、金融和房地产四大类型,并分别阐释了四类政策的作用领域、机制和预期效果。 文章核心部分在第四章,依据地产相关统计数据对湛江市国家房地产政策实施效果进行了描述性分析,分析结果显示:(1)土地供应量不足导致不能有效支持房地产业产生规模效应和吸引大企业投资,(2)土地出让金和税费成为地方财政重要来源,(3)政府税费不是房价上涨的主要影响因素,,(4)银行贷款是现阶段房地产企业融资的主要来源,(5)银行紧缩后中小房地产企业生存压力加大,(6)湛江作为三线城市,相比一、二线城市,整体上受到调控政策的影响相对较小。由此得出以下结论:国家房地产政策实施效果在湛江区域范围内整体上是有效的,能够在一定程度上促进当地房地产快速健康发展,但也存在一些负面效果,提示政府应当从科学制定房地产政策体系、提升房地产业市场化水平、创新产业财税金融制度和强化政策实施监督考核等四大方面进一步提升政策实施效果。 总体上本文对国家房地产政策效果在具体区域层面进行了综合分析,在规范分析中系统归纳了国家房地产公共政策体系,论述了政策实施的作用机制及效果,采用统计分析分别揭示了四大类政策在湛江市的具体实施效果并提出了相应增效对策。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry has the characteristics of large industrial value, high correlation degree and strong industrial driving ability. The healthy and stable development of the real estate industry is of great significance to maintain and promote the overall stable growth of the economy under the background of our country's current economic times. Our government has always attached importance to the use of public policies to regulate the real estate industry, the real estate market by the national macro policy is important, in recent years, the state has increased the regulation and control of the real estate industry. As the third tier city of developed provinces, Zhanjiang has studied the effect of real estate regulation and control policy in local countries. It is helpful to standardize the development of real estate industry in Zhanjiang City and to evaluate the implementation of national real estate policy in specific regions scientifically. It has important academic and practical research value. This paper first defines the scope of the research by reading the literature, then determines the academic research value of the topic by combing the current research situation at home and abroad, then explains the concepts of real estate industry and public policy effect, and selects the theory of market failure. The theory of government failure and the theory of public policy performance evaluation are taken as the theoretical basis, and the existence of market failure and the necessity of government policy regulation and control in real estate industry as well as the possible effects are discussed. Then in the third chapter, we summarize the real estate policy implemented by the central government from 2007 to 2012, analyze the emphasis of the policy implementation in each stage, classify the implementation policy, separate out the four types of land, tax, finance and real estate. And explains the four kinds of policies respectively the action domain, the mechanism and the anticipated effect. The core part of the article in the fourth chapter, according to the real estate related statistics to Zhanjiang national real estate policy implementation effect of descriptive analysis, The results show that: (1) insufficient land supply can not effectively support the real estate industry to produce scale effect and attract large enterprises to invest; (2) Land transfer fees and taxes become an important source of local finance; (3) the government taxes and fees are not on the house price. (4) Bank loans are the main source of financing for real estate enterprises at this stage, (5) the pressure on the survival of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises increases after the bank tightening, (6) Zhanjiang is a third-tier city, Compared with the first and second-tier cities, the overall impact of regulatory policies is relatively small. The following conclusions are drawn: the implementation effect of the national real estate policy is effective in Zhanjiang area as a whole and can promote the rapid and healthy development of local real estate to a certain extent, but there are some negative effects. It is suggested that the government should make the real estate policy system scientifically, promote the marketization level of the real estate industry, innovate the financial and financial system of the industry and strengthen the supervision and assessment of the policy implementation to further improve the policy implementation effect. On the whole, this paper makes a comprehensive analysis on the effect of national real estate policy at the specific regional level. In the normative analysis, it systematically induces the public policy system of national real estate, and discusses the mechanism and effect of the implementation of the policy. By statistical analysis, this paper reveals the concrete effect of four kinds of policies in Zhanjiang City and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures of increasing efficiency.


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