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发布时间:2018-08-05 09:22
[Abstract]:In the process of economic development in China, the dual economic structure of urban-rural division has always existed. The widening gap between urban and rural areas not only directly restricts the development of rural economy, but also becomes an important factor that restricts the economic development of the whole country. Under the guidance of the scientific concept of development, the Party Central Committee put forward the strategy of urban and rural development as a whole, and at the Fifth Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, it put forward the requirements for the construction of new countryside. Anhui Province has carried out the overall goal of building a beautiful village with the overall goal of "the beauty of eco-livable villages, the beauty of prosperous people's life and the beauty of civilized and harmonious countryside". In the call of the provincial government, Anqing City actively carried out a beautiful rural construction. At the present stage, the economic and social development strategy includes new urbanization and beautiful rural construction, which complement each other and are indispensable. Through reading a lot of literature and referring to the rural construction of foreign countries, it is found that the development mode of blindly attaching importance to urban development and neglecting rural development often ends in failure. Therefore, the real meaning of urbanization should be to give consideration to urban and rural development. To achieve urban and rural integration. Anqing pays attention to the overall planning of beautiful rural construction and promotes the equalization of urban and rural basic public services. Local conditions to carry out better rural construction, support rural enterprises, innovative institutional mechanisms. With the rapid development of urbanization, remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of beautiful villages, and the production and living environment of farmers and the appearance of villages and villages have been greatly improved, thus reducing the gap between urban and rural areas. However, there are still some problems in the process of good rural construction in Anqing City. The planning consciousness is not strong, the understanding level is insufficient causes the resources waste. Slow industrial transformation has restricted the development of rural economy. Shortage of funds, brain drain hindered the construction of beautiful rural areas. The disharmony between land system and beautiful rural construction leads to the pressure of construction land. The beautiful rural construction is not equal to the real estate construction, should be people-oriented, pay attention to the sustainable development of the beautiful rural construction, take the industry as the support, promote the rural endogenous development, and carry out the beautiful rural construction with "multiple rules and regulations in one". In order to truly achieve the goal of building a beautiful village. Hope to provide a reference for the beautiful rural construction of Anqing City.


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