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发布时间:2018-08-08 14:43
【摘要】:随着经济全球化进程的加快,企业间竞争不断加剧,人才之间的竞争也愈演愈烈。企业的核心员工掌握着企业发展过程中最核心的知识、技术和管理经验,对企业的发展有着深远的影响,而且核心员工的替代成本极高,这都使得企业对核心员工的留用显得尤为关注。可以说,企业核心员工的稳定性关系到企业发展的各个方面。然而,核心员工也是同行业众多企业间争夺的对象,这种局面萌生出许多诱导核心员工流失的因素,从而导致企业核心员工流失。X公司正面临着这种局面。 本文以X公司这个核心员工流失严重的房地产开发企业为例,简述了该企业的发展进程和现状,指出核心员工在公司的发展过程中的积极作用,并对该公司核心员工流失情况进行统计分析,从企业成本、企业核心竞争力、企业运营和企业对外形象方面分析核心员工流失对企业带来的影响。在分析公司离职调查问卷、面谈记录和满意度调查问卷数据的基础之上,从公司内部原因和外部环境因素方面得出公司核心员工流失主要原因,并针对企业核心员工流失原因制定了相应的解决对策。即建立合理薪酬体系、完善绩效考核体系、完善培训和职位再设计、营造“以人为本”的氛围和对流失员工实行危机处理。 本文运用文献分析法、个案研究法和问卷调查法,通过“提出问题—分析问题—解决问题”,让X公司意识到公司管理中心需改变,同时,本文从影响核心员工流失最直接、最重要的几个方面入手提出留住核心员工的适用对策。该研究成果对房地产企业乃至其他行业的企业都有一定的借鉴意义和推广应用价值。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization, the competition between enterprises is becoming more and more serious, and the competition among talents is becoming more and more fierce. The core staff of the enterprise hold the most core knowledge, technology and management experience in the process of enterprise development, which has a profound influence on the development of the enterprise, and the replacement cost of the core staff is extremely high. This makes the enterprise to the core staff retention appears to be particularly concerned. It can be said that the stability of the core employees of the enterprise is related to all aspects of enterprise development. However, the core staff is also the object of contention among many enterprises in the same industry. This situation gives rise to many factors that induce the loss of core staff, which leads to the loss of core staff of enterprises. X Company is facing this kind of situation. Taking X Company, a real estate development enterprise with serious staff turnover, as an example, this paper briefly describes the development process and present situation of the enterprise, and points out the positive role of the core staff in the development process of the company. This paper also makes a statistical analysis on the loss of the core staff of the company, and analyzes the impact of the loss of the core staff on the enterprise from the aspects of enterprise cost, core competitiveness, operation and external image of the enterprise. On the basis of analyzing the data of company exit questionnaire, interview record and satisfaction questionnaire, the main reasons for the loss of core staff are obtained from the internal reasons and external environmental factors of the company. And the reasons for the loss of core staff to formulate the corresponding countermeasures. That is, to establish a reasonable compensation system, perfect the performance appraisal system, perfect the training and post redesign, create a "people-oriented" atmosphere and implement crisis management to the staff loss. This article uses the literature analysis method, the case study method and the questionnaire survey method, through "raises the question-analyzes the question-solves the problem", causes X company to realize the company management center needs to change, simultaneously, this article from the influence core staff drain most directly, The most important aspects of starting with the retention of core staff appropriate countermeasures. This research result has certain reference significance and popularizing application value to the real estate enterprise and even other industries.


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