[Abstract]:The general trend of the current economic situation in China is to stabilize and improve, but at the same time, we must also see that there is still a fever for state-owned investment and cold private investment in our country's economic operation; a fever for investment in the virtual economy (including real estate), a cold investment in the real economy, and a fever for investment abroad. Domestic investment is cold, and three uneven phenomena of cold and heat in investment field result in M1 growth rate far higher than M2 growth rate and other outstanding problems. In order to solve these outstanding contradictions in the economic operation of our country, we should constantly push forward the structural reform on the supply side, promote the structural transformation through the reform, and release the new kinetic energy of economic growth through the structural transformation. One is to promote the integration of urban and rural areas, the other is to achieve the growth of public goods and public services, and the third is to promote the development of strategic emerging industries with technological innovation. Among them, the most powerful new kinetic energy is to promote the development of urban-rural integration, that is, to promote the modernization of agriculture, the construction of new rural areas, the urbanization of migrant workers and the construction of small towns with characteristics. At the same time, we should also focus on the reform of the investment system to increase the supply of public goods, and on the reform of the scientific and technological education system to increase the supply of technology and talents.
【作者单位】: 中共中央政策研究室;
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