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发布时间:2018-08-18 21:25
【摘要】:汇远房地产公司成立于2002年4月,注册资本2000万元人民币,位于长沙国家生物产业基地规划区域内,是从事以房地产营销开发为主的国有全资公司。该公司自成立以来已成功开发紫星苑、安阳小区、南阳小区等项目,目前正在着力打造镶龙华府公租房项目。 近年来,随着园区电子信息产业、生物医药产业、健康食品产业等的大力培育与发展,园区规划面积由最初的13.4平方公里增加至现在的42平方公里,园区人口由2002年的3.5万人增加到了目前的8万多人。经济的发展、人口的增加,对住房需求产生了强烈的影响。同时,房地产物业的供给也迅速增加,目前园区有以粤港城、豫园步行街等项目为代表的二十多个房地产开发项目,汇远公司处于激烈的市场竞争环境之下。因此,汇远公司为了赢得并保持其竞争优势必须对其开发的房地产产品进行合适的市场营销。 汇远公司经过多年的发展,在房地产产品的市场营销过程中根据产品类型不同采取与之相适应的市场营销策略。结合市场需要和目标消费群体,首先将定位于中低收入层次的青年人群,开发出中低价位的小户型商品房。采取适当的低价策略,进行广告营销与市场推广等营销策略,取得相对成功的结果。营销过程中还渗透了文化营销、体验式营销及服务营销等的营销策略。 但由于缺乏完整的市场营销策略,在营销过程中存在诸多问题。如市场调研不深入,市场定位不准确;营销策略创意缺失,营销理念落后;营销服务不周,顾客忠诚度难以形成及营销队伍素质不高等问题,使汇远公司的房地产产品销售情况不理想。 本文拟综合运用各种市场营销理论,为汇远公司制定合适的营销策略。运用STP理论,通过市场细分、确定目标市场,进行合理的市场定位。应用“4C”理论树立服务营销、文化营销及体验式营销的新理念。利用“4P”理论制定产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略及促销策略等组合营销策略。使用“4R”理论培养顾客忠诚度。只有结合汇远公司的实际情况,综合运用各种市场营销理论,为汇远公司量身定做合适的营销策略,才能使汇远公司在激烈的市场竞争中赢得竞争优势,实现长远发展。
[Abstract]:Huiyuan Real Estate Company was founded in April 2002 with a registered capital of 20 million yuan. It is located in the planning area of Changsha National Biological Industry Base and is a wholly state-owned company engaged in the marketing and development of real estate. Since its establishment, the company has successfully developed Zixing Court, Anyang District, Nanyang District and other projects. In recent years, with the development of electronic information industry, biomedical industry and healthy food industry, the planned area of the park has increased from 13.4 square kilometers to 42 square kilometers. The population of the park increased from 35000 in 2002 to more than 80, 000 at present. The development of economy and the increase of population have a strong influence on housing demand. At the same time, the supply of real estate also increases rapidly. At present, there are more than 20 real estate development projects represented by Guangdong and Hong Kong City, Yuyuan pedestrian Street and so on. Huiyuan Company is under the fierce market competition environment. Therefore, in order to win and maintain its competitive advantage, Huiyuan Company must carry on the appropriate marketing to the real estate products it develops. After years of development, Huiyuan Company adopts the corresponding marketing strategy according to the product types in the process of real estate product marketing. Combined with the market needs and target consumer groups, first of all, it will be located in the middle and low income level of the young people, the development of low-and low-priced small-sized commercial housing. Adopt appropriate low price strategy, carry on the marketing strategy such as advertisement marketing and market promotion, obtain the relatively successful result. Marketing process also infiltrates cultural marketing, experiential marketing and service marketing and other marketing strategies. However, due to the lack of a complete marketing strategy, there are many problems in the marketing process. If the market research is not thorough, the market position is not accurate, the marketing strategy originality is lacking, the marketing idea is backward, the marketing service is inadequate, the customer loyalty is difficult to form and the quality of the marketing team is not high, etc. So that Huiyuan Company's real estate products sales situation is not ideal. This paper intends to make appropriate marketing strategies for Huiyuan Company by using all kinds of marketing theories. STP theory, through market segmentation, determine the target market, a reasonable market positioning. The new concept of service marketing, cultural marketing and experiential marketing is established by applying "4 C" theory. Make use of "4 P" theory to formulate product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy. Use the "4 R" theory to cultivate customer loyalty. Only combining with the actual situation of Huiyuan Company, using various marketing theories synthetically, and tailoring appropriate marketing strategy for Huiyuan Company, can Huiyuan Company win competitive advantage in the fierce market competition and realize long-term development.


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