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发布时间:2018-09-07 11:25
【摘要】:项目管理是一门近二十年来在我国兴起并获得广泛推广和应用的新兴学科,进入信息社会和知识经济时代以来,项目管理获得了很大的发展,社会创造精神与物质财富和企业创造利润的模式发生了很大的转变。传统农业社会主要依靠简单扩大再生产去创造更多的财富,而传统的工业社会主要依靠扩大规模和成本的“节约”模式去创造更多的财富。但是信息社会和知识经济则主要依靠各种技术经济“创新活动”去创造更多的财富,这种“创新活动”都属于项目的范畴,因此都需要项目管理。 建筑工程项目管理的实施是一个复杂的系统工程,有其内在的客观规律,需要采用与之相适应的管理模式和管理方法才能实现。随着社会、经济、技术的不断发展,工程项目的规模越来越大。对于项目资源的整合、提高效率和经营效益、转换经济增长方式的需求,建筑工程管理模式的的创新与探索一直被国内大型施工总承包企业所关注。从“鲁布革”项目管理改革以来,我国建筑施工企业的管理水平得到了极大的提高,但长期以来,施工企业以传统生产经营为主的经营方式没有发生变化,在国内建筑市场竞争日益加剧的今天,企业不求新求变,不加以管理创新和经营创新,实现经济增长方式的转变,很难在强手如林的建筑市场占有一席之地,实现企业做强、做大、做优,无法实现企业又好又快、持续健康发展。 实现企业经济增长方式转变,就要进行管理创新和经营创新,改变以往单一以生产经营为主的方式,逐步向资本经营过渡。近年来,一些大型施工企业已经实现了企业的转型,以建筑生产经营为基础,逐步涉足房地产、融投资、物业管理及资本市场等业务领域,以资本运作带动施工总承包,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益,对我国建筑业的发展提供了良好的样本和参考。国家“十一五”期间,我国经济社会面临深刻变革,国家实施积极的财政政策和宽松的货币政策,加大城市化建设进程,扩大基础设施投资,建筑市场呈现空前繁荣的景象,在公共事业和基础设施建设,政府为解决建设资金压力,积极吸收社会资本进入基础设施领域和公共事业领域的投资与建设。在这样的背景下,BT模式项目如雨后春笋一样大量出现,但BT模式在中国起步较晚,各企业没有成熟的经验可以借鉴,国家对该领域还没有相应的立法,政策法规还不是十分完善,对于各大型施工企业的资本、融资渠道、风险管理、企业信誉要求极高,由于BT模式属于投融资等资本经营范畴,企业面临诸多的经营风险,因此,对于BT模式的研究具有重要的社会价值和应用价值,对于中建八局这样的特级施工企业来说,更具有重要的现实意义。
[Abstract]:Project management is a new subject that has been widely promoted and applied in our country in the past twenty years. Since entering the information society and the era of knowledge economy, project management has gained great development. Great changes have taken place in the mode of social creation spirit and material wealth and enterprise profit creation. The traditional agricultural society mainly relies on the simple expansion of reproduction to create more wealth, while the traditional industrial society mainly relies on the "economizing" mode of expanding scale and cost to create more wealth. However, the information society and knowledge economy mainly rely on various technological and economic "innovation activities" to create more wealth. This kind of "innovation activities" belong to the category of projects, so they all need project management. The implementation of construction project management is a complex system engineering, which has its internal objective law, and it needs to adopt the corresponding management mode and management method to realize it. With the development of society, economy and technology, the scale of engineering project is becoming larger and larger. In order to integrate project resources, improve efficiency and management benefit, and change the demand of economic growth mode, the innovation and exploration of construction engineering management mode have been paid attention to by large construction general contracting enterprises in China. Since the reform of "Lubuge" project management, the management level of construction enterprises in our country has been greatly improved, but for a long time, the management mode of construction enterprises has not changed with the traditional production and management. With the increasingly fierce competition in the domestic construction market, enterprises do not seek for new changes, do not carry out management innovation and management innovation, and realize the transformation of economic growth mode. It is very difficult for enterprises to have a place in the powerful construction market and to make enterprises stronger. Large, excellent, can not achieve good and fast, sustainable and healthy development. To realize the transformation of enterprise economic growth mode, it is necessary to carry out management innovation and management innovation, change the former single mode of production and management, and gradually transition to capital management. In recent years, some large construction enterprises have realized the transformation of enterprises. They have gradually set foot in real estate, financial investment, property management, capital market and other business fields on the basis of building production and operation. Good economic and social benefits have been obtained, and good samples and references have been provided for the development of Chinese construction industry. During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, China's economy and society are facing profound changes. The state has implemented active fiscal policies and loose monetary policies, increased the process of urbanization, expanded investment in infrastructure, and the construction market has shown unprecedented prosperity. In the construction of public utilities and infrastructure, the government actively absorbs social capital to invest and build in the field of infrastructure and public utilities in order to solve the pressure of construction funds. In such a background, the BT model projects have sprung up in large numbers, but the BT model started relatively late in China, the enterprises have no mature experience to learn from, and the country has no corresponding legislation in this field. Policies and regulations are not very perfect, for the capital, financing channels, risk management, corporate reputation requirements are very high, because the BT model belongs to the capital management category, such as investment and financing, enterprises are faced with a lot of business risks, therefore, The study of BT model has important social value and application value, and it has more important practical significance for the special construction enterprise such as the eighth Bureau of China Construction.


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1 叶晓u&;何雨聪;吴书霞;;政府特许项目(BT)融资模式的设计与探索[J];管理工程学报;2005年S1期

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