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发布时间:2018-09-11 16:54
【摘要】:随着改革开放深度的拓展和广度的延伸,我国的社会主义市场经济蓬勃发展,作为在国民经济中起基础和支柱作用的房地产行业,其发展速度不容小觑。房地产行业的发展在促进地区经济繁荣、人民安居乐业等方面功不可没,同时其关联性的特质还会带动相关产业的发展和进步。房地产项目的开发在获得高利润的同时也存在着极高的风险性,其投资具有专业性强、技术性高、开发周期长、投资额度大等特点,并且其在地域上有较严格的限制。我国房地产行业的发展还不够健全、相关法律法规还不够完整,,风险的发生会带来巨大的损失。 本文基于项目风险管理的视角,根据房地产行业的具体特点,结合皇家尚苑项目的具体案例进行相关分析并得到对应结论。首先,本文介绍了了选题的背景和意义,以及国内外研究的现状;然后,介绍了风险评价的基础理论。对风险、房地产项目风险以及项目风险评估和应对进行了相关论述;其次,构建了房地产项目的风险综合评价体系,梳理了风险评价的原则、依据和步骤,再次,结合定性分析与定量分析,重点介绍了AHP—模糊综合评价法在房地产项目评价中的应用;最后,对房地产项目风险综合评价体系进行了实证研究,以固安县皇家尚苑项目为案例。
[Abstract]:With the development of the reform and opening up, the socialist market economy of our country is booming. As the real estate industry, which plays a foundation and mainstay role in the national economy, its development speed cannot be underestimated. The development of real estate industry can not be ignored in promoting regional economic prosperity, people living and working in peace and contentment, at the same time, the characteristics of its relevance will also promote the development and progress of related industries. The development of real estate project has the characteristics of high profit and high risk, its investment is highly professional, high technology, long development period, large investment quota and so on, and it has strict restrictions on the region. The development of China's real estate industry is not perfect, the relevant laws and regulations are not complete, the occurrence of risk will bring huge losses. Based on the perspective of project risk management, according to the specific characteristics of the real estate industry, combined with the specific case of Royal Sangyuan project to carry out the relevant analysis and the corresponding conclusions. First, this paper introduces the background and significance of the topic, and the current situation of research at home and abroad, and then introduces the basic theory of risk assessment. The risk, real estate project risk and project risk assessment and response are discussed. Secondly, the risk comprehensive evaluation system of real estate project is constructed, and the principles, basis and steps of risk evaluation are sorted out. Combined with qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, this paper mainly introduces the application of AHP- fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in real estate project evaluation, and finally, carries on the empirical research to the real estate project risk comprehensive evaluation system, Guan County to the Royal Court project as a case.


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3 赵勤;房地产项目投资风险分析与研究[D];西安建筑科技大学;2006年




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