[Abstract]:As one of the pillar industries of national economy, real estate involves dozens of industries up and down, and has a great impact on social economy, so it has been the focus of attention from all walks of life, including the national leaders. At present, real estate has entered a period of deep adjustment, forcing the mode of operation of the industry to be changed from extensive to intensive, and the profit model from "real estate era" to "real estate era", and the competitiveness of small enterprises with single project scale will become lower and lower. Multi-project scale company advantage will be more and more prominent. It is imperative for the real estate industry to improve its management level and take the road of collectivization, scale and brand, which is the only way for many real estate companies to develop. Therefore, strengthening enterprise management control, combing human resources management has become the core subject of many real estate enterprises. My research object Zhengzhou XXX real estate group was established in 2006, the company from the initial establishment of the single project operation to the current six projects are simultaneously operating, the company faces a variety of complex and difficult relationships. Among them, the human resources acquisition, development and maintenance of the contradiction is particularly prominent. According to the current situation of group management and human resources, under the background of the national support for the construction of Central Plains Economic Zone, this paper takes the management of human resources as the basis and the experience of benchmark enterprises in the real estate industry as a reference. Based on the actual situation of the enterprise, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, and puts forward the corresponding strategies on the organizational structure of the group, the division of power and responsibility between the subsidiary company and the parent company, and the incentive and restriction of the project developer. To explore the group manpower management model, methods and strategies suitable for the group company itself, to ensure the vision and mission of the company to provide human resources protection. Real estate began to operate in the market from 1998 to 2013 in a short period of 15 years in addition to the important land and capital factors in the development of real estate in China the whole industry developed extensive and impetuous. In terms of human resources, high-quality talent, human resources management and development rough. In the process of many real estate companies operating from single project to multi-project, real estate human resource management has become a complex system engineering day by day. It is influenced not only by the external environment of the enterprise, but also by the strategic development stage of the enterprise. Internal resources and other comprehensive constraints. This article has carried on the thorough research and the analysis to this enterprise present situation and the human resources management present situation, at the same time looked at the industry benchmarking enterprise human resources management experience and the lesson, uses the induction and the information research method and so on research method. In order to construct the human resource management mode which is suitable for the strategic development of the enterprise, it can provide a feasible reference and implement the theory and method for the human resource management of the enterprise and other similar real estate companies.
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