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发布时间:2018-10-16 16:22
【摘要】:改革开放以来,随着我国经济的飞速发展,居民收入不断增长,财富不断积累,人们的生活水平得到了较大提高,消费观念和消费结构出现了重大转变,居民家庭理财也在发生着巨大的变化,越来越为城市家庭所重视。另外,日益丰富的投资工具对人们的投资理财能力也提出了新的迫切要求。可以说,我国已进入投资理财时代,居民的投资理财热潮持续高涨。但究竟现今居民家庭理财的现状是个什么样子,存在的问题是什么,问题的根源是什么,怎么制订理财策略,是本文主要研究和解决的问题。 本论文首先从家庭理财中外研究文献综述入手,分析得出国外学者对家庭理财研究理论较为全面成熟,我国对于家庭理财研究还处于不断探索中。 在理论基础部分,本文首先归纳出了家庭理财的定义,即:是对家庭资产与财务的长期规划和安排。其次,指出了家庭理财的主要作用:一是平衡现在和未来的收支;二是提高生活水平;三是规避风险。再次,指出了家庭理财的内容包涵现金规划、储蓄规划、消费信贷规划、金融投资规划、房地产规划、保险规划、税收规划、子女教育规划、退休规划、遗产规划等十个方面。最后,对生命周期假说理论和投资组合理论进行阐述,把这两个理论如何在家庭理财中应用进行了分析。 在实证分析部分,本文对昆明市310户家庭理财现状进行问卷调查,并对数据进行汇总归类统计,经对数据进行研究分析得出昆明市居民家庭理财的现状:理财意识淡薄、风险承受能力弱、投资意识不强、对保险认识有偏差、理财方式保守、理财缺泛理性、忽视退休养老规划、教育基金比例低、生活开支高,用于投资比例小、家庭理财目标不明确等十方面。经进一步分析挖掘出六方面成因:理财观念落后、缺乏专业人员指导、对保险业务有偏见、总体收入偏低、宣传力度不够、风险控制不足等。针对成因,本文提出优化家庭理财策略:树立良好理财观念、掌握理财知识预防投资风险、建立高素质理财队伍、优化金融机构软硬件、优化结构分散投资、科学理财步骤实现财务自由。 基于理论与实证分析,结合上述理财策略,进一步地,本文以不同生命周期阶段家庭理财个案为例,,对个案家庭理财相关信息资料、理财目标、家庭资产和负债状况进行了分析,并给出个案家庭理财的建议,同时扩展归纳出单身期、家庭形成期、家庭成长期、家庭成熟期、退休期五个不同生命周期阶段的家庭理财建议。 全文最后进行总结,指出了本文研究的不足,并对未来研究内容和研究方向进行了展望。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of our country's economy, the residents' income is increasing, wealth is accumulating, people's living standard has been greatly improved, and the consumption concept and structure have changed greatly. Household financial management is also undergoing tremendous changes, more and more attention is paid to urban families. In addition, the increasingly abundant investment tools put forward new and urgent requirements for people's ability of investment and financial management. It can be said that our country has entered the era of investment and financing, and the upsurge of investment and financing of residents. However, what is the present situation of household financial management, what is the problem, what is the root of the problem, and how to formulate the financial management strategy, is the main research and solution of this paper. This paper begins with the literature review of domestic and foreign research on family finance, and concludes that the theory of family finance research by foreign scholars is more comprehensive and mature, and the research of family finance in our country is still in the process of exploration. In the theoretical foundation part, this paper first induces the definition of family finance, that is, the long-term planning and arrangement of family assets and finance. Secondly, it points out the main function of family finance: first, to balance the present and future income and expenditure; second, to improve the living standard; third, to avoid risks. Thirdly, the paper points out that the contents of family financial management include ten aspects: cash planning, savings planning, consumption credit planning, financial investment planning, real estate planning, insurance planning, tax planning, children's education planning, retirement planning, and inheritance planning. Finally, the life cycle hypothesis and portfolio theory are expounded, and the application of these two theories in family finance is analyzed. In the part of empirical analysis, this paper carries on the questionnaire survey to 310 families in Kunming, and classifies the data. Through the research and analysis of the data, the paper draws the conclusion that the current situation of the household financial management in Kunming: weak awareness of financial management. The risk bearing ability is weak, the investment consciousness is not strong, has the deviation to the insurance understanding, the financial management way is conservative, the financial management lacks the pan-rational, neglects the retirement pension plan, the education fund proportion is low, the living expenses is high, the investment proportion is small, Family financial goals are not clear and so on 10 aspects. Through further analysis, six causes are found: backward concept of financial management, lack of professional guidance, prejudice to insurance business, low overall income, insufficient propaganda, insufficient risk control, etc. In view of the causes, this paper puts forward the strategies of optimizing family financial management: setting up a good concept of financial management, mastering the knowledge of financial management to prevent investment risks, establishing a high-quality financial management team, optimizing the software and hardware of financial institutions, and optimizing the structure of decentralized investment. Scientific financial management steps to achieve financial freedom. Based on the theoretical and empirical analysis, combined with the above financial management strategies, this paper takes different life cycle family finance cases as an example, to the case of family finance related information, financial objectives, The family assets and liabilities are analyzed, and the suggestions of individual family finance are given. At the same time, the single period, the family forming period, the family growth period, the family maturity period are extended and summed up. Family finance advice for five different life cycle stages of retirement. At the end of this paper, the deficiency of this paper is pointed out, and the future research content and research direction are prospected.


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