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发布时间:2018-10-20 10:11
[Abstract]:After 1980's, the national economy of our country developed rapidly, and the development of economy promoted the process of urbanization. At present, the real estate industry has become an important part of the national economy, and gradually become one of the pillar industries of our country. It is well known that the real estate industry has a high profit, but it has a large investment, a long time limit, and is obviously affected by national policies, social environment and economic factors, so there are many unpredictable risks. In recent years, commercial real estate has become a branch of the rapid development of the real estate industry. As a comprehensive real estate that integrates shopping, catering, leisure, entertainment, office and residence, its completion will improve people's living standards and quality of life. Can also further prosperity the local economy, promote social development and progress. As a professional, comprehensive and technical investment activity, commercial real estate inevitably has more unpredictable risks in the process of development. The research object of this paper is the construction project of Nantong YR Square. The total investment amount of the project is huge. It is a comprehensive plaza with the core of commerce and the functions of fashion shopping center, high grade office building, fine hotel, Zhenpin residence and so on. After completion, Nantong YR Square will be the most representative of Nantong urban complex, covering shopping, culture, leisure, entertainment, housing and other aspects, and closely related to the life of the people. This paper takes the real estate project of Nantong YR Square as the research object, and takes the risk identification, risk assessment and risk control as the research thinking, identifies the key risk elements, and analyzes the reasons for their emergence. On this basis, the risk factors of the project are analyzed and evaluated in the investment decision stage, the early stage, the construction stage and the lease stage, respectively. Then, according to the important risks that may exist in each stage, the countermeasures are put forward to provide the decision basis for the project manager. The research results of this paper have some reference value for risk management of real estate projects in China.


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5 记者  潘z,




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